House of Israel International is a Messianic Assembly based on Hebrew and Hebraic Roots, a Messianic Discipleship Training, as well as a Leadership Development Center.
What is House of Israel International? House of Israel International is a Torah-Teaching, Spirit-Filled, New Covenant Ministry, that actively teach the Hebrew Roots of the Christian faith.
The uniqueness of House Of Israel International is our blend of living under Grace through Faith in Messiah Yeshua, understanding and keeping the Laws of YeHoVaH (The LORD) and our balanced approach to operating in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. We look forward to worshipping and serving together with You in our Father’s Kingdom.
We adhere to the four pillars of a healthy congregation outlined in Acts 2:42.
- The Apostles Doctrine
- Breaking of Bread
- Fellowship
- Prayer
You and your family are Welcomed to join us LIVE in person or LIVE ONLINE! See the Schedule below.
Please look around our website and please take advantage of the many Ebooks and teachings of past services posted free of charge for your learning & growing experience in Yeshua the Messiah.
Thursday: Searching the Scriptures
with Arthur Bailey
7 PM Eastern Time
Friday Night Sabbath Premieres
8 PM Eastern Time
Saturday: Sabbath Service
11 AM Eastern Time
Our Vision
The Vision of ArthurBaileyMinistries.com and House Of Israel International is to be:
- A Worshipping People (John 4:23,24)
- An Evangelistic Community (Acts 2:42-47)
- A Discipleship Center (Matthew 28:19)
- An Equipping Network (Ephesians 4:12)
- And a Worldwide Witness for Yeshua The Messiah (Acts 1:8)
Worship with Us at
3601 Rose Lake Dr., Charlotte, SC 28217
Mailing Address: P O Box 1182 Fort Mill, SC 28217