Presented here, is an Accredited 2 Year Discipleship Training Program, designed to “Equip The Saints” and Make Disciples of the Nations”

This Accredited 2 Year Discipleship Training Program is an Accredited Curriculum under the umbrella of Hebrew Roots University. 

Arthur Bailey is the Chancellor of Hebrew Roots University, Overseer of Arthur Bailey Ministries International and the apostle, pastor and teacher of House of Israel in Charlotte North Carolina.

This Accredited 2 Year Discipleship Training Program is produced by Arthur Bailey Ministries International and presented at House of Israel International. Arthur Bailey Ministries International is a Messianic Hebrew Roots Ministry that actively teach the Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith, the faith once delivered to the saints.

Fill out the form in the WANT MORE INFO ON THE COURSE and DOWNLOAD CURRICULUM. You will be redirected to the

Discipleship  Website were you can DOWNLOAD the CURRICULUM and Register to take the course when you are ready to start!


Last Updated on July 27, 2022 by

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