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Join us twice weekly on Thursday’s at 7:00 PM ET and Saturday’s at 11:00 AM ET for our LIVE BROADCAST teachings at House Of Israel.
The Instructions given by YeHoVaH to Moses, contained in the Law, were established to bring order and harmony to the newly developed nation. The Law would enable Brothers to be able to dwell together in unity when they took possession of the land promised to the Children of Israel. ...........The Blessings of Obeying The Law
YeHoVaH’s dealings with His Creation had much to do with their response to Him and His Commandments. The Holiness of Our Father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and King of the Universe, was established from the creation of man and reaffirmed amongst the Children of Israel........ The Holy and the Profane
Being saved by grace through faith is a supernatural process of transformation from being an unbeliever to becoming a Believer in YeHoVaH through faith in Yeshua the Messiah. The lifestyle of Believers is contrary to the lifestyle of unbelievers. .......How to Live as Believers
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Arthur Bailey, exposes Religious Traps in the Messianic Faith & he shares what it means to be a Godly Man from both his own experience and the Word of YeHoVaH on what is "A Man of God"!... Learn More
In this exciting new teaching, author and teacher Arthur Bailey shares important biblical truths that will help you identify and distinguish the voice of the Almighty from all other voices... Learn More
Discover the answers to your questions about the seventh-day versus the first-day of the week Sabbath debate in this easy-to-read, must-have book for all of today's people.... Learn More
Did you know that what you believe about prosperity determines what you can and cannot receive from YeHoVah? This teaching series will leave you with a wealth of information.... Learn More
Join us for our LIVE BROADCAST on
Thursdays @ 7PM ET and
Saturdays @ 11AM ET
Last Updated on February 10, 2025 by Admin Admin