What Is Everlasting Life?

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What is everlasting life?

Everlasting life is life without end.  It is the abundant life that Yeshua came to give to those who put their faith in Him

Is everlasting life and eternal life the same?

            Yes, they are both the same!

How do I inherit everlasting life?

This question was asked of Yeshua several times.  Yeshua connected eternal life to keeping the Commandments.

How is everlasting life obtained?

Everlasting life is obtained by faith in Yeshua and obedience to YeHoVaH’s Word made flesh. 

When does everlasting life start?

            Everlasting life starts the moment you put your faith in Messiah Yeshua.

Who has everlasting life?

            Those who put their faith in Yeshua and keep YeHoVaH’s Commandments

When will eternal life be fully realized?

            When Messiah returns for His bride.

What do those who have everlasting life do now?

We wait and look for His return, renew our mind in the Word, set our affections on things above, put to death the deeds of the flesh in our members/body and endure to the end.

Scripture References:

  • John 10:10
  • Mark 10:17-19
  • Luke 10:25-29
  • Luke 18:18-20
  • John 14:21
  • John 14:6-7
  • Revelation 12:17
  • Revelation 14:12
  • Matthew 24:13-14
  • John 3:36
  • Colossians 3:2-6

Watch and read as Arthur Bailey takes you on an in-depth study of what it means to be Born Again. You will be surprised with what John 3:16 actually says in proper context. This teaching will truly change your life!

When we receive Yeshua, our testimony and our lifestyle is a seal.

There is no such thing as a “secret” Saint!

The way you ensure your endurance is to speak forth Yeshua’s Gospel. You cannot be silent! If you don’t use it, you lose it!

This is a time when Father is really moving in the midst of us.

We do not want to be a people who, in the midst of Father moving, are not aware that Father is moving in our midst.

Those who know Elohim are to be strong and will do exploits!

Father knows the things that we need before we recognize them and can formulate the words to ask.

If we focus on what we are dealing with, more than we focus on YeHoVaH, then the thing that we are focusing on has become an idol.

When I don’t know what to do, I do nothing. Sometimes waiting feels like you are doing nothing.

I want to be addicted to the Word! The Word is going to set me free and deliver me from all those other addictions.

Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,


Last Updated on August 20, 2024 by

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