
What Is Halloween?

  • Halloween is a man-made holiday that was not commanded by YeHoVaH. 
  • Halloween has no holy components or Biblical requirements.  
  • Halloween is a pagan holiday and always has been.  

Does Halloween Have any Biblical References or Instructions?

  • There are NO references to “Halloween” in the Bible.

Where did the Halloween Tradition Originate?

  • Halloween evolved out of a Catholic holiday called All Hallows Eve, which occurs the day before All Saints Day.
  • The Pilgrims banned the celebrating of Halloween in America because of its pagan roots. Halloween was not celebrated in America until 1845.
  • Irish emigrants came to this country during the Potato Famine of 1845-46. They brought with them the old Druid holiday of Halloween. Gradually, celebrating Halloween spread throughout the rest of the country.

What Does Halloween Commemorate?

  • Halloween is a day witches celebrate. The fact is, Halloween and all its practices are associated with witchcraft.
  • The bulk of the world has been desensitized to witchcraft evidenced by record breaking sales from movies that glorify vampires, sorcery, and witchcraft.

When Is Halloween?

  • The 31th day of the month of October. 

How Is Halloween Celebrated?

  • Trick-or-treaters, in costumes, knock on doors in the hope of having their bags loaded up with edible treats.
  • Church or community Harvest Celebrations and Trunk or Treat celebrations

As Believers and followers of Yeshua, what should be our response to Halloween?

  • While the world is celebrating paganism, we should not be longing to celebrate with them. 
  • When we incorporate the Almighty into Halloween celebrations and feel as if we are not doing something that is of pagan or idolatrous origins, we deceive ourselves.  
  • We need to learn how to have fun and righteously celebrate! We should celebrate YeHoVaH’s Feasts!
  • Unlike the children of Israel who had a land where their enemies had been driven out, we live in the land where our enemies are our next door neighbors, and in some cases, in our own house. We need to be armed with the truth and then stand on it!
  • There are no more excuses for participating in Halloween on any level; not even the Church Harvest Celebrations!

Once YeHoVaH says don’t worship or celebrate Him like the pagans do,


YeHoVaH is the Creator and He made the rules for His Kingdom.

It is in our best interest to OBEY!

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