Biblical Feasts | Reviving Ancient Traditions for Modern Faith

Biblical Feasts 2

Last Updated on August 15, 2024 by Admin Admin

The Bible highlights seven Biblical Feasts mentioned in the Bible. Although Scriptures have discussed them, Leviticus 23 provides clear instructions for each one; Leviticus 23:2.  These seven feasts, also known as “holy convocations,” signify days that God appointed and ordained for His name’s honor. These festivities are important to Israel, and also convey the overall message of the Bible. They represent an aspect of the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. This blog will discuss the importance of these Feasts in the light of the Bible.

Overview of Biblical Feasts

The Bible, like other books before it, discusses important aspects of the life, death, and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. It also highlights the seven Biblical Feasts, which though discussed in Scriptures, have a clear understanding through Leviticus.  The Book of Leviticus contains God’s Instructions to His chosen nation, Israel, on how they were to worship Him. Moreover, it contains detailed Instructions about the duties of the Priests, as well as Instructions on observing and obeying God’s Law and the sacrificial system. God has designed seven specific Feasts that Israel was to celebrate each year.

Each Feast is significant in its own way, with each one highlighting the Lord’s provision for His people.   They also foreshadow the coming Messiah and His work in redeeming people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. Furthermore, the Israelites always began the Feast with a Sabbath rest, and they were commanded not to do any customary work on those days. The Israelites recognized both the normal weekly Sabbath and special ones as the final “Sabbath Rest.”

Jesus Christ found the unique quality within Himself. Afterwards in the beginning of spring, the seven Early Feasts are Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of First Fruits, and the Feast of Weeks.  The Latter Feasts are the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles and the Eighth Day Assembly. These Feasts are closely related to Israel’s spring and fall harvests and agricultural seasons. They were to remind the Israelites each year of God’s ongoing protection and provision.

Biblical Feasts’ Books

Previously we discussed what Biblical Feasts are and what the Bible says about them. As we move further along, there are two Biblical Feast Books identifying the history behind them. One is the “Feast of First Fruits”, which is an easy-to-read 78-page book, in which you will learn what the First Fruit Offerings are, when and how they are presented, and why First Fruit Offerings are significant. Furthermore, you will also be taught the prayer that is recited during this vital offering that assures the blessing of prosperity upon those who present this offering unto YeHoVaH.

The other book is “The Feast of Pentecost”. It covers questions like, What does the Biblical Feast of Pentecost represent? What is Passover? What are First Fruits? What is the Feast of Weeks? And many more. Those seeking to learn a deeper meaning of Pentecost and the Biblical Early Feasts answer these questions. YeHoVaH, our Creator, commanded all people to observe these Laws for all generations and for all time.


To sum up, Biblical Feasts consist of seven Feasts according to the Bible.  Each Feast is significant in its own way, with each one highlighting the Lord’s provision for His people. They also foreshadow the coming Messiah and His work in redeeming people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. Moreover, these Feasts are closely related to Israel’s spring and fall harvests and agricultural seasons. They were to remind the Israelites each year of God’s ongoing protection and provision. For a better understanding, join our live Broadcasts or visit our Website today! Furthermore, you can also buy the books mentioned above to get a better understanding about the Feasts.

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