Love and Hate Chapter 29:30-35 and Chapter 30:1-24
In this teaching, we will learn the 3 C’s of Haran: Customs, Culture, and Contracts or Covenants. These customs set the foundation for the birth of a nation and the 12 tribes of Jacob or Israel.
In this teaching, we will learn the 3 C’s of Haran: Customs, Culture, and Contracts or Covenants. These customs set the foundation for the birth of a nation and the 12 tribes of Jacob or Israel.
Jacob did not understand the culture, customs, and nature of Contracts or Covenants in Haran. From his entrance into the region Jacob was introduced to a different way of life, but maintained his way of doing things.
Fellowship Time:
Sabbath Service @ 11AM
Thursday Service @ 7PM
Friday Night Sabbath Premiere @ 8 PM
Copyright 2021 by Arthur Bailey Ministies