Tag: Repent

The Gospel According to Matthew

Faith, Fear and the Way of Righteousness Matthew 21:18-32

The joyous occasion of Yeshua’s entrance into the city of Jerusalem, the exploits performed by Him in the Temple Courts, and the prophetic fulfillments of the Prophets spoken hundreds of years prior, presented serious issues for the religious leaders. In addition to Yeshua’s entrance, the shouting of “Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest”, the scene Yeshua caused by overturning the tables of the moneychangers and driving the merchants from the Temple Courts, infuriated the Chief Priests and scribes.

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The Kingdom Gospel Matthew 4:12-25

Yeshua, led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness, is empowered to resist, overcome the temptations of the devil, and enabled to command the devil to get away from Him. Upon hearing the news that John was imprisoned, Yeshua relocates from Nazareth to Capernaum and begins His public ministry. In the power of the Holy Spirit, Yeshua begins to lay the foundation of The Kingdom Gospel and calls disciples to follow Him.

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Repentance and Religion Matthew 3:1 –12

Several hundred years before the Savior was born, YeHoVaH spoke to His servant Isaiah, the prophet, to warn the people to repent and to foretell of the Redeemer who would come and save Israel from their sins, themselves, and their enemies. Isaiah prophesied that before the Savior came, there would be a voice of one crying in the wilderness saying, “”Prepare the way for YeHoVaH””.

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