To Tithe Or Not To Tithe
Is tithing for today? Should believers in Messiah tithe? Many in the Body of Messiah will answer these questions with an Affirmative Yes. However, there are some in the Body of Messiah...
Is tithing for today? Should believers in Messiah tithe? Many in the Body of Messiah will answer these questions with an Affirmative Yes. However, there are some in the Body of Messiah who not only believe that tithing has been done away with but advocate that those who teach tithing today are misleading the Body of Messiah. In this timely message "To Tithe or NOT to Tithe" Arthur Bailey will address:
- Is tithing for today?
- Should believers in Messiah tithe?
- and, many, many more!
- “To tithe or not to tithe?” As some would say, that is the question. After this teaching we will certainly have an understanding. From the very beginning of time, YeHoVaH (God) made a distinction between what man is to freely enjoy from what is forbidden. I believe that in Genesis chapters 1-3, most of what we need to know about the Almighty and about ourselves is revealed in a practical way.
- There are areas in our life that if we walk in obedience, we will see the blessings in that particular area. However when it comes down to the finances of the kingdom, Father has principles that deal with finances in the kingdom just as he has principles that deal with marriage in the kingdom. And just as he has principles that deal with how you treat your neighbor in the kingdom, he also has principles for how you deal with your children.
- People who tithe seem to be healthier, wealthier and wiser. They seem to be happier and to enjoy life more. People who don’t tithe seem to be lacking, sickly, miserable and confused worriers. They never have enough. They struggle to make ends meet and try to figure out how to get what you have.
- The mismanagement of the resources that Father places into our hands often causes us to think that the money he has allowed us to use and the resources he has placed in our stewardship are ours. We make the mistake of thinking that it belongs to us. Therefore we spend it however. With the advent of credit cards and loans and with the ability to use plastic and to write checks, we sometimes write checks without money being there. Because the banks take out a percentage, you think that you have a certain amount, but the bank has taken some out.
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Last Updated on July 27, 2022 by