YeHoVaH Fights for Us Exodus 13:17- 14:31

YeHoVaH made a promise to Abraham many years ago that to this day He is still faithful in maintaining. After delivering Israel from the bondage of slavery in Egypt, instituting the redemption of the firstborn, YeHoVaH begins to inform Moses of His strategy to make good on the promise He made to Abraham when He said, “”I will punish the nation they serve as slaves””. YeHoVaH reveals a military strategy to Moses that would cause Pharaoh to make a military decision and position his army for a catastrophic defeat. Thus, YeHoVaH punishes the nation of Egypt for mistreating the people of Israel, His firstborn whom He had redeemed.


Join us as we are given front row seats in witnessing the host of Pharaoh going after the host of Israel with YeHoVaH, the LORD of Hosts, fighting on Israel’s behalf. Israel’s ultimate deliverance resulted in a battle of epic proportion as Israel did not need to lift a finger, just simply obey YeHoVaH’s strategic instruction that led to the downfall of its enemy! This gives us insight on how YeHoVaH Fights for Us. 




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