Yeshua spent the final days of His earthly ministry with His Disciples alone on the Mount of Olives preparing them for His death that would take place in two days. Prior to leaving the Temple Courts, His Disciples had asked Him to tell them, when shall these things be? What shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world? The questions they asked Him were in response to the teachings He had done and His remarks about the destruction of the Temple.
After telling them about a parable of wise and foolish virgins, Yeshua uses another parable about talents as a lesson to teach His Disciples about the importance of the work ahead of them in advancing the Kingdom. The objective of the parable was to inform them that every person would have to give an account for what they did for the Kingdom with the time and resources they had.
Although His Disciples did not know that their lives were about to take a drastic and dramatic turn, Yeshua knew what was just a few short days away.
Join us in this portion of Matthew as Yeshua, while He was still with His Disciples, continued to warn and prepare them of His expectations of them to prepare and stay ready for His return.
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