Revelations from a Former Seventh-day Adventist
As a child, I was raised in the Primitive Baptist and Missionary Baptist churches. When I left home, I chose the Sunday morning sleep-in no-denominational church. However, as I matured, I sought a church that could quiet the discord in my mind between my knowing there is a God and my lifestyle. I wanted to know how I had to live to be right with God.
In 2006, when I became exposed to the Seventh-day Adventists, I felt solace in keeping the Sabbath, because I could clearly see that the Sabbath was ordained by God and that there was no place in Scripture that changed it to Sunday. On top of that, the dietary Laws were clearly in the Bible and I believed they were for today when I saw the healthy people in the several congregations that I attended in Michigan and in Alabama. The SDAs were an organized entity with schools, books, and activities that my husband, two children, and I immersed ourselves in. There were Easter and Christmas festivities, Summer Camp for my children, and congregants that regularly fellowshipped outside of the church environment. I was content and was vocal in my support of the SDAs.
Three years later, I met a woman who was a Sabbath keeper, but I didn’t know much else about her except that she wasn’t SDA. She came to visit me with her granddaughter that was the same age as my children. As they played, we talked and the conversation got around to religion. I mentioned “God” several times and she said, “You know God has a name.” I was surprised! “He does! What is His Name?”
That was my first foray into the realm of Hebrew Roots and Messianic faith. It was fairly easy for me to make the transition because I saw so many pieces of truth begin to fall into place and questions answered.
- If the Sabbath and the dietary Laws are in the Old Testament, shouldn’t I keep all the Law in the Old Testament, especially when phrases like “forever” and “always” are throughout the Torah?
- If God is the same, yesterday, today and forever, aren’t His Laws still standing?
- It is nearly common knowledge that Easter and Christmas have pagan roots, so why would I continue in a religion that kept the worldly holidays and ignore the Holy Feast Days of YeHoVaH/God?
- How do I ignore verses that COMMAND me to follow His Law and still have the peace of mind that I am alright with my Heavenly Father?
- Deuteronomy 5:29 O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear Me, and keep all My Commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!
- Revelation 14:12 Here is the patience of the Saints: here are they that keep the Commandments of YeHoVaH/God, and the faith of Yeshua/Jesus.
I am at peace knowing that I have faith in Messiah Yeshua/Jesus and to the best of my ability, I am keeping all the Commands of God/YeHoVaH that apply to me. (Some Commands are only for women, or men, or the Priests, or children, etc.)
Blessings... Sharon
Arthur Bailey Ministries Presents "Sunday Is Not The Sabbath?" Do you believe that the Sabbath is Sunday? What is the history of the Sabbath and how and when did it get changed to Sunday? Discover the answers to your questions about the seventh-day versus the first-day of the week Sabbath debate in this easy-to-read, must-have book for all people of faith!
This is the 2nd English Edition/Reprint
Included in this edition are 62 more pages packed with resource material and references to defend the seventh-day (Saturday) Sabbath.
Thank you for these teachings Sharing with us These are my services I don't have a congregation close enough for me to go
Right on Arthur!!!!
Today was my last day of being at a sunday church arthur's ministry really opened my eyes about the issue about the sabbath!
Includes 2 Books and 14 DVDs
Sunday Is Not The Sabbath Combo Study Pack
$90.00 $180.00
Get your copy of this treasure trove of revelations including new information today!
Discover the answers to your questions about the seventh-day versus the first-day of the week Sabbath debate in these 2 easy-to-read, must-have books and 14 DVD Combo Pack.
Follow along in these 14 DVD teachings as Arthur Bailey teaches chapter by chapter page by page through his much acclaimed, power packed, informative book “Sunday is Not the Sabbath?”
The DVD's are filled with revelation and up to date information not included in the book.

Get your copy of this treasure trove of revelations including new information today! For a limited time you will receive 50% OFF of these two easy-to-read, must-have books and 14 DVD Combo Pack. Follow along in these teachings as Arthur Bailey teaches chapter by chapter page by page through his much acclaimed, power packed, informative book “Sunday is Not the Sabbath?”
You missed out!
Last Updated on July 27, 2022 by