The Kingdom of Heaven is like… Matthew 20:1-19
The connection of Yeshua’s coming and teachings to the fulfillment of what was written in the Law, the Prophets, and the writings concerning Him is a vital key to understanding the Kingdom of Heaven.
The connection of Yeshua’s coming and teachings to the fulfillment of what was written in the Law, the Prophets, and the writings concerning Him is a vital key to understanding the Kingdom of Heaven.
The subject of eternal life was a cause for concern for many Hebrew Israelites in the days of Yeshua the Messiah. All four Gospel narratives cover the subject of eternal life and Yeshua teaches on eternal life extensively in its connection with the Law.
Terminology evokes images in the minds of people that affect people consciously and subconsciously in how they see themselves and in their approach to the entity they call God.
Yeshua’s disciples followed Him not fully knowing or understanding they had been recruited personally by Him into the Kingdom of Heaven Boot Camp to be trained and prepared for Kingdom warfare as Kingdom citizens.
“In this portion of Matthew, the Messiah continues His first public teaching. It is commonly known as the Beatitudes (blessings) from the Sermon on the Mount. Yeshua’s teaching transitions from the blessings to the expected role of his followers in the earth; their ethics, moral codes, and values they were/are to live by; and how they were/are to conduct themselves in the world.
Yeshua, led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness, is empowered to resist, overcome the temptations of the devil, and enabled to command the devil to get away from Him. Upon hearing the news that John was imprisoned, Yeshua relocates from Nazareth to Capernaum and begins His public ministry. In the power of the Holy Spirit, Yeshua begins to lay the foundation of The Kingdom Gospel and calls disciples to follow Him.
Several hundred years before the Savior was born, YeHoVaH spoke to His servant Isaiah, the prophet, to warn the people to repent and to foretell of the Redeemer who would come and save Israel from their sins, themselves, and their enemies. Isaiah prophesied that before the Savior came, there would be a voice of one crying in the wilderness saying, “”Prepare the way for YeHoVaH””.
Fellowship Time:
Sabbath Service @ 11AM
Thursday Service @ 7PM
Friday Night Sabbath Premiere @ 8 PM
Copyright 2021 by Arthur Bailey Ministies