Called Out Chapter 31:1-21
In this teaching, Jacob receives instructions to leave and return to the land of his fathers, Isaac and Abraham. Jacob heard the conversations of Laban’s sons and see the countenance of Laban that..
In this teaching, Jacob receives instructions to leave and return to the land of his fathers, Isaac and Abraham. Jacob heard the conversations of Laban’s sons and see the countenance of Laban that..
YeHoVaH has no problem prospering those who pursue Him. He made Abraham rich; He prospered Isaac during a time of famine; and He prospered Jacob under the harsh treatment from Laban.
In this teaching, we will learn the 3 C’s of Haran: Customs, Culture, and Contracts or Covenants. These customs set the foundation for the birth of a nation and the 12 tribes of Jacob or Israel.
Jacob did not understand the culture, customs, and nature of Contracts or Covenants in Haran. From his entrance into the region Jacob was introduced to a different way of life, but maintained his way of doing things.
In this Chapter, Jacob, with the help of his mother, secures the blessing of the birthright. Rebekah remembers the words of YeHoVaH spoken to her which caused her to do what she did. Jacob knew what..
Abraham’s eldest servant is believed to be Eliezer who ruled over all Abraham had, even though Abraham had two sons. Eliezer was Abraham’s chief servant. He was born in Abraham’s..
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