Wine, Drunkenness and The Curse of Canaan Chapter 9:20-29
Moses, the writer of Genesis, lets us know that Ham is the father of Canaan because of the events that shall unfold in this portion of Scripture. Noah gets drunk from his homemade..
Moses, the writer of Genesis, lets us know that Ham is the father of Canaan because of the events that shall unfold in this portion of Scripture. Noah gets drunk from his homemade..
YeHoVaH blessed Noah and his sons, and told them to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth. YeHoVaH also gave Noah and his sons permission to eat animal flesh.
After Father determined to destroy all flesh on earth, He gave man the opportunity to repent. The Bible reveals that before the flood came, Noah preached righteousness. The people rejected what Noah had to say and dismissed his preaching and his warnings to their own demise.
Noah was righteous in the midst of unrighteousness; without blemish in the midst of fallen people. Noah did not let the evil and corrupt society he lived in corrupt his character. Noah walked with YeHoVaH when others chose not to walk with YeHoVaH.
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