
The Biblical New Year

America and countries around the world celebrate the New Year in the winter at midnight on December 31st. The Jewish Community Celebrates the New Year in the fall at sundown on Rosh Hashanah or Yom Teruah, The Feast of Trumpets. 


America and countries around the world celebrate the New Year in the winter at midnight on December 31st. The Jewish Community Celebrates the New Year in the fall at sundown on Rosh Hashanah or Yom Teruah, The Feast of Trumpets. However, the Jewish Community calls it the New Year although Yom Teruah is the 7th Month on the Jewish Calendar. In this Ebook you will learn:

  • When does the Creator of the Universe command us to observe the Beginning of Months, or the first month of the year (The New Year), and
  • How did we get so far off from His Calendar?


  • He’s speaking to Israel. And right here in Exodus Chapter 12, He says, Egypt’s Goddess, calendars and the nations around have their calendars, but I willgive you the calendar that you’re going to follow. And what’s unique about this is that not only does He give them a particular month to follow as the beginning ofmonths, but something significant happens. This is going to be the month that He sets them free from their captivity. And so, by this setting free from their captivity, it actually begins a new life for the Israelites and it starts at a particular month.
  • So what is He saying? He’s saying, “Here’s your first month, and during the first month, here’s what you are to do on the fourteenth day, on the fifteenth day, on the twentieth day.” So he’s giving specific instructions and on what day it is to be observed, what month it is to be observed, and which is the first month of the year for Israel.
  • It’s later that the month was called Nisan. Throughout the Torah, the word “Nisan” is never mentioned. The reason why it’s called Nisan in the Book of Esther, is because the children of Israel are now in captivity. The word Nisan is a Babylonian name. When they went into Babylon, they begin to cease using thename Aviv or Abib and adopted the name Nisan because they were in where? —Babylon. Nisan means nothing.

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Last Updated on February 7, 2025 by

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