No one is above the Law of YeHoVaH. From the king who was commanded to govern according to the Law to the lowest servant, all men in YeHoVaH's Kingdom are subject to the same Law. In this passage of Deuteronomy, YeHoVaH gives Instructions to Moses to give to the Children of Israel about presenting proper sacrifices unto Him, what to do to the person who worshipped idols, and the process of administering the death penalty for the perpetrators. Obeying the Law of YeHoVaH not only protected the people from YeHoVaH's vengeance but it also insured the promise of a long life for generations to come.

Other Teachings: Prayer of the True Worshipper, Mysteries of the KingdomHow to Worship YeHoVaH


What does Deuteronomy teach about the importance of obeying God’s Law? Deuteronomy emphasizes that no one is exempt from YeHoVaH’s Law, from rulers to servants, as adherence ensures justice, order, and protection within the community. YeHoVaH instructs that proper sacrifices be offered and outlines consequences for idol worship, including the death penalty for those leading others astray. By following these Laws, the Israelites are protected from divine retribution, and obedience is associated with the promise of a long, prosperous life for future generations, as faithfulness fosters a stable and righteous society.

Arthur Bailey 

Apostle Dr. Arthur Bailey is the Overseer of Arthur Bailey Ministries International, House of Israel International, as well as the Founder and Chancellor of the Accredited Hebrew Roots University. House of Israel International, focuses on teaching the True Gospel of the Kingdom from a Messianic Hebrew Roots perspective. Renowned internationally, Dr. Bailey is celebrated for his roles as a dynamic teacher, preacher, and author. Hebrew Roots University is a unique institution dedicated to exploring the Hebrew Roots of the Christian faith.

Authoring over 55 books, including "Sunday is not the Sabbath?", Discipleship and Leadership Curriculums, Dr. Bailey provides in-depth insights into Spirit-filled living by faith in God . With various academic degrees and Certifications, Dr. Bailey is a professor and keynote speaker nationally and internationally. His extensive range of DVD teachings and books, aimed at clarifying complex biblical passages, can be found in our online store. He also enhances the lives of believers globally through Online Live Broadcasts.

Currently residing in Indian Land, South Carolina, Dr. Bailey oversees the House of Israel in Charlotte (a Spirit-filled New Covenant Torah observant community), House of Israel-United Kingdom, House of Israel-Nigeria, and House of Israel-Ukraine. His Ministry has a profound impact on people worldwide; congregants from 6 continents attend online services.

Additional information is available at About Arthur Bailey and Hebrew Roots University.

Last Updated on October 27, 2024 by Arthur Bailey Ministries

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