Charity, Prayer, Forgiving
and Fasting
Matthew 6:1-18

Charity, Prayer, Forgiving and Fasting - Matthew 6:1-18

Spirit-filled and Spirit-led people must be Kingdom minded in all we do and say to access and receive the rewards of our Father in Heaven. Yeshua addresses a wide variety of issues facing the people of the Kingdom.  He teaches us how to think and do as He did in public and in private. In this teaching, Charity, Prayer, Forgiving and Fasting, Yeshua reveals His mind on these topics in a way that we can learn to be pleasing to our Father in Heaven and receive the rewards thereof.

This portion of Yeshua’s teaching to the multitude illustrates and highlights the differences between how the Kingdom minded believer should live his/her life and faith in private and in public in contrast to how the religious minded individuals lived their faith in a public setting.

In preparation for the message, Charity, Prayer, Forgiving and Fasting, please read Matthew 6:1-18.

Last Updated on February 4, 2021 by Arthur Bailey

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  • Tonie Cooper says:

    I thought the teaching on charity forgiveness and fasting was covered very well as all of the saints participating as the question and answer time came. I thought it was good to have boundaries in all three of the topics and when to put boundaries. Also when it came to forgiveness I thought that was definitely needed as a topic, so we as saints can be forgiven and heal by Yehovah power. Forgiveness as so many have been trustpast against. Also processing in a person mind will take time because of infirmities they may have . And charity is also needed because love is a big key in all this but the love really has to be flowing from Yehovah God spirit so we can grow in him. So once again thank you Arthur bailey and staff and saints all over the world ,we need each other!

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