Does the Bible Contradict Itself?

The Bible doesn’t contradict itself; it just contradicts some of the messages we have been taught!  Listen to Arthur’s eye-opening message that warns us that if we don’t know what is written, we will accept what we have been taught.  Watch the Full Teaching

Does the Bible Contradict Itself?

When we delve deeply into what the Bible actually teaches, we often find that the teachings of the Bible and what we have been taught about it do not always align. This discrepancy can lead to some profound revelations. Many people are kept within a specific doctrinal mindset by what I refer to as "microwave soundbite messages"—these are quick, easily digestible teachings that don't engage with parts of the Bible that might challenge their doctrine. This selective teaching has led some to wonder, "Does the Bible contradict itself?"

The answer I offer is that the Bible does not inherently contradict itself; rather, it contradicts some of the messages we have been taught. Often, what is widely taught about the Bible is shaped more by denominational biases than by a comprehensive understanding of Scripture itself. This approach can trap individuals within a religious mindset, leading them to observe incorrect practices, celebrate inappropriate holy days, and focus on minor details while overlooking more significant doctrinal issues.

These misunderstandings promote endless debates and discussions that, after much time spent, end nowhere—leaving participants just as confused or divided as when they started. However, it is crucial to remember that we do not have to be part of this cycle.

At our core, we aim to be a community that truly understands and faithfully lives according to what is written in the Bible, not just what we are told to believe. We encourage a return to Biblical foundations, questioning inherited beliefs, and embracing the true teachings of the Scriptures. For those seeking to break free from misconstrued teachings and to embrace an authentic understanding of the Bible, we invite you to join us in this journey of discovery and faith.


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Last Updated on April 24, 2024 by

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