A Prayer to Cast off Fear and Limitations
This one of the most powerful and important prayers to have in our “Saint Toolbox”. Arthur asks us to identify the limitations and restraints we have put on ourselves or allowed other people to put on us. THEN CAST THEM OFF! This is a prayer of restoration, a prayer of believing that all things are possible to those that believe, and a prayer to cast off all fear. (Video excerpt from Romans: An Epistle of Paul Chapter 16)
A Prayer to Cast off Fear and Limitations
This one of the most powerful and important prayers to have in our “Saint Toolbox”. Arthur asks us to identify the limitations and restraints we have put on ourselves or allowed other people to put on us. THEN CAST THEM OFF! This is a prayer of restoration, a prayer of believing that all things are possible to those that believe, and a prayer to cast off all fear. (Video excerpt from Romans: An Epistle of Paul Chapter 16)