Shalom Saints,
Arthur is adept at taking diverse issues and situations then simplifying them so they can be compared for the purpose of highlighting a spiritual truth. In Mathematics, we call this process finding the “lowest common denominator”. In this teaching, Arthur compared the salvation path of Paul, a Pharisee and persecutor of the true believers, with Cornelius, an Italian Centurion and sympathizer with the true believers. Through this comparison, we saw the Father’s plan to get His Kingdom to manifest on earth.
In Acts 9, Paul had an encounter with Yeshua on the road to Damascus, was blinded, received instructions to go into the city, and then Paul had a vision of Ananias coming to lay hands on him that Paul might receive his sight. Ananias also had a vision and received instructions to go to Paul. As a result, Paul was saved and received the Holy Spirit.
Read more about Paul in Galatians Commentary Complete 4 Volume Set
Cornelius prayed for salvation and his prayer was heard by the Father. Cornelius had a vision in which he saw the angel of the Almighty speak to him and give him instructions to send for Peter. Peter had a vision and was prompted by the Almighty to go to Cornelius. As a result, Cornelius, his relatives, and near friends were saved and received the Holy Spirit.
YeHoVaH’s plan from the beginning was for mankind to be saved and serve Him. In both of these instances, Paul and Cornelius, the Father used men, Ananias and Peter, to carry out His will. The Father could have saved them by Himself, but He used men to bring about His plan. As Arthur said, “If there is no preaching and there is no teaching, there is no salvation.”
Even today, the Father is revealing His plan through each of us as we carry out our callings as Ministers of Reconciliation. At the very least, we must give our testimonies. Arthur shared that his testimony does two things. First, it reinforces what the Father has done in Arthur’s life. Second, other people hearing it can learn from some of the lessons that Arthur had to learn the hard way. Arthur encouraged us to be confident in giving our testimonies because no one can argue with us about what the Father has done in our lives. We know what we are talking about because the experience was ours. Another benefit of testifying is that we are sharing our faith, and the more we share, the more we grow in our faith. Thereby, we encourage ourselves.
Grow your faith: Messianic 201 "Adding to Your Faith" - 2 DVDs
Listen and pray along with Arthur’s heartfelt Prayer of Salvation that you may have a relationship with the Almighty or a closer walk with Him. Pray for salvation, deliverance, and/or healing. Pray specifically. As Arthur said, general prayers don’t always yield the kind of results that you desire.
Sharon’s Reflections on the Teaching
I was struck by the simplicity of what Arthur said about our callings. It has so much applicability across my life. He said that the better we are able to understand what our calling is, the quicker we will be able to identify what we are NOT called to do. This meant that knowing what I am called to do was a standard, a line in the sand, a parameter, a boundary.
Once I committed to YeHoVaH’s ways and plan for my life, my decisions became simpler. For instance, when I consider my options on how to spend the Sabbath, it is simple: keep the day holy, have a holy convocation, and rest. When I was living a worldly life, I had a multiplicity of things I could do on a Saturday: shopping, going to the movies, working at my job, doing yard work, visiting my unrighteous friends or relatives, etc.
Someone with a worldly perspective may look at my life and think that I am constrained. To the contrary, I have the freedom to live my life abundantly within the Almighty’s Law and I enjoy a freedom in my mind knowing that my life is blessed by Him. I also know that when I live according to His plan for my life, I am provided for and protected. Well, there is persecution, but He is there with me through that too.
The longer you walk with the Father and Yeshua, the less you are tempted by the things of the world that have no place in a saintly life. I can look at my life now and know that I have a past. Like Arthur, I filter my thoughts and actions though the Father’s Word. I no longer have “mad money” to just spend on anything that suits my fancy; I am a good steward with the resources the Father gives me. I no longer watch X or R rated films; I am discerning about what I allow access to my mind and spirit. I no longer hangout in bars and joints where worldly music is playing the theme of “anything goes” and people are looking for a hookup; I conduct myself in a righteous and holy manner.
Twice a week the word goes forth from the House of Israel. That word is spirit. My spirit is engaged with that Spirit of the Word to grow my faith. I am delighted to be in the company of others that are grabbing onto that Spiritual Word too.
Buzz on the Teaching
There was a lot of excited Buzz about our dear Sister Saint who has taken a six-month seasonal job at a camp in Yellowstone Park in Montana. We will all miss her, but were excited for her to have the opportunity be a “light” amongst campers and tourists in a part of the US that most of us have not visited. She has a 32-hour drive going through North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, and finally Montana. I thought about how wonderful that trip would be if I had two weeks to make it and be a tourist along the way. She plans to make the drive in 3 days! We all asked her to post photos on Facebook and we made suggestions about how to connect with other Messianics in that area.
There were two guests with us this week. One Brother Saint invited his sister to service and fellowship. She was visiting him from Pennsylvania. It just so happened that they sat a table with another couple from Pennsylvania, and I used to live in Pittsburgh. We had an enjoyable time sharing with her.
The other guest was a Sister Saint originally from Ohio, but lives in Charlotte. We had serious moments of conversation talking about the darkness of the world we have witnessed and our efforts to be a “light” in various places and situations. Our guest was surprised to learn that everyone at the table was transplanted to Charlotte from another state. We were from Illinois, Virginia, Michigan, California, Kentucky, and New Jersey. We all laughed when I remarked that we were a “mixed multitude”!
Until next time … Blessings to You and Yours,
Last Updated on April 26, 2018 by