Tag: Exodus

ABM exodus searching the scriptures

Kingdom of Priests Exodus 19:1-25

Moses’ mandate, given by YeHoVaH, was to go to Pharaoh and tell him to let Israel go so that they may go and serve YeHoVaH. Moses was given a sign from YeHoVaH signifying that He had sent Moses to Egypt and where Moses would serve Him.

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ABM exodus searching the scriptures

The Priest of Midian Exodus 18:1-27

Moses declared YeHoVaH Nissi, or YeHoVaH, his Banner after the stunning defeat of the Amalekites in battle. Joshua led the Army of Israel while Aaron and Hur held up the hands of Moses. Shortly after Israel’s victory, Moses receives a visit from his father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Midian, accompanied by Moses’ wife Zipporah and his two sons Gershom and Eliezer.

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ABM exodus searching the scriptures

The Rock and YeHoVaH-Nissi Exodus 17:1-16

The Israelites murmured, complained, and lodged one complaint after another against Moses, Aaron, and YeHoVaH. Somehow, many of the Israelites had it made up in their minds that YeHoVaH had led them out into the wilderness to kill them when He could have done so while they were still in Egypt.

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ABM exodus searching the scriptures

The Sabbath Test Exodus 16:1-36

YeHoVaH demonstrated His power over Pharaoh in the presence of the Children of Israel when He destroyed Pharaoh’s chariots and army in the Red Sea. He had demonstrated His power in Egypt with each plague leading up to the death of the firstborn which prompted Pharaoh to finally release Israel to go and serve YeHoVaH their Elohim.

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ABM exodus searching the scriptures

A Song of Deliverance Exodus 15:1-27

YeHoVaH declared His glory by destroying the Egyptians who afflicted His people. This fulfilled the promise YeHoVaH made to Abraham over four hundred years earlier. The deliverance of Israel out of Egyptian bondage was so dynamic, majestic, powerful, and miraculous that Moses wrote A Song of Deliverance depicting the mighty power of YeHoVaH Almighty that is still being sung to this very day.

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ABM exodus searching the scriptures

YeHoVaH Fights for Us Exodus 13:17- 14:31

YeHoVaH made a promise to Abraham many years ago that to this day He is still faithful in maintaining. After delivering Israel from the bondage of slavery in Egypt, instituting the redemption of the firstborn, YeHoVaH begins to inform Moses of His strategy to make good on the promise He made to Abraham when He said, “”I will punish the nation they serve as slaves””. YeHoVaH reveals a military strategy to Moses that would cause Pharaoh to make a military decision and position his army for a catastrophic defeat. Thus, YeHoVaH punishes the nation of Egypt for mistreating the people of Israel, His firstborn whom He had redeemed.

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ABM exodus searching the scriptures

Passover in Egypt and Beyond Exodus 12:31-51

YeHoVaH inaugurated a Calendar for Israel and established a yearly cycle of months, dates, and timelines for future Holy Days, Events, Memorials, Ceremonies, and Celebrations that Israel was to observe as a newly formed Nation. The beginning of months and the first month of the year on Israel’s calendar would forever be tied to YeHoVaH and His deliverance.

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ABM exodus searching the scriptures

Israel’s Calendar Exodus 12:1-30

“Israel prepares to leave Egypt according to the instructions given them by Prophet Moses that he received from YeHoVaH. Before departing Egypt, YeHoVaH inaugurated a calendar for Israel and established a yearly cycle of months, dates, and timelines for future Holy Days, Events, Memorials, Ceremonies, and Celebrations they were to observe as a newly formed nation. The beginning of months and the first month of the year on Israel’s calendar would forever be tied to YeHoVaH and His deliverance.

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ABM exodus searching the scriptures

Prophet Moses Final Prophecy to Pharaoh Exodus 11:1-10

When YeHoVaH commissioned Moses to go tell Pharaoh to let His people Israel go, so that they could serve YeHoVaH, Moses was made a god to Pharaoh and Aaron was designated as Moses’ prophet. Although Moses was a god to Pharaoh and Aaron was Moses’ prophet, Moses was YeHoVaH’s prophet and spoke directly for YeHoVaH.

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