Shalom Saints,
Arthur was preaching before the Teaching! He was determined to expose the lies, we have heard over and over, so that the truth could be told. His desire to see all of YeHoVaH’s children blessed by the truth was definitely evident today. Apostle explained that if you are a believer and in bondage in any area of your life, it is because you have not received truth in that area. The truth delivered in this Teaching was designed to cause a separation between bondage and freedom!
Arthur went on to say that when we understand our true identity in Messiah, it will enable us to walk in the true authority we have been given and identify the actual promises made to us. This message was all about recognizing who we are in Messiah and eagerly embracing our inheritance. This Teaching was described by Arthur as one that could change the trajectory of your life and certainly change your beliefs concerning “Who is Israel?”
The suspense was building!
Arthur admitted that some people may have major struggles with this teaching, but he hoped that they would see from the Word that what he was saying was truth.
The Outline for the Message was:
- Israel – The Man
- Israel – The Land
- Israel – The 13 Tribes
- Israel – The United Kingdom
- Israel – The Divided Kingdom
- Israel – The Kingdom of YeHoVaH
- Israel – The Commonwealth
- Israel – The Counterfeit Israel
- Finally: Who is the REAL ISRAEL today?
This is a Teaching to be viewed from beginning to end as Arthur exposes what is actually written in Scripture as opposed to what is promulgated by men. Here are just a few of the “truths” exposed during the Teaching.
- There were 13 tribes; Joseph’s double portion was given to his sons Ephraim and Manasseh. The Land was divided into 12 portions because Levi was not given a “Tribal Area” inheritance in the Land.
- Only the tribe of Judah were “Jews”.
- The Land of Israel was never given to the “Jews”. The Land was given to Abraham and his seed.
- The counterfeit Israel is modern Israel, a creation of the United Nations Resolution 181.
Learn more about Israel: Zionism, Judaism and Biblical Prophecy (DVD)
- Biblical Historical data shows that whenever YeHoVaH returned the people (from idolatry) to the Land, the Torah was restored.
- In Scripture, the Land given to Abraham spanned 1,024 miles between the Nile and the Euphrates Rivers. Currently, Israel is approximately 85 miles at its broadest point and 160 miles long.
Need Scriptural context? Buy Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts
- Biblically, the true and rightful heirs of the Land of Israel are the children of YeHoVaH, those who put their faith in Messiah Yeshua. They are the Household of Elohim.
Ephesians 2:19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; 20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; (KJV)
- You can’t be part of YeHoVaH’s family rejecting His only Begotten!
- Anyone that rejects Yeshua as Messiah has no right to the Land!
- Our inheritance of the Land is not a man given right; it is a YeHoVaH given right!
Who is the REAL Israel Today: the Household of Elohim!
Sharon’s Reflections on the Teaching
I was moved today! This Teaching evoked joyful emotions, aroused righteous indignation, and finally gave me a sense of peace. That is quite a mixed bag of feelings!
First, my awareness of who I am broadened when I reflected that I, me, Sharon is an heir to the Land of Israel! I am heir to tangible property. This gave me a sense of joy and made me feel special because I am a landowner of the property that the Creator of the Universe designated for His own.
I am familiar with this concept because I own heir property in Alabama with the descendants of my great-grandfather. More than 100 relatives share in the decision-making and upkeep of the various parcels. We also share in the proceeds from the sale of limber on the Land. Some family members live on the Land; others don’t live there, but would never vote to sell any of it; others don’t care about the Land; and some even refuse to pay their share of the taxes.
Before this Teaching, I didn’t think too much about the Land in Israel other than for historical purposes and wanting to see some of the places mentioned in Scripture. In my mind, the Land belonged to “them” not me. The “them” was the Jews and Israelites. I really hadn’t spent much time thinking that the actual Land was mine too. As a member of the household of Elohim, I am entitled to the Land!
Then the righteous indignation started to flow when Arthur said, “Those who are the rightful heirs are totally oblivious to the fact that somebody else is living in their land”. In Alabama, we called them squatters. In the Wild West, they were known as claim jumpers. This especially hit home when I thought about the original intent of Father was to give us the land that stretched from the Nile to the Euphrates. There are many nations/peoples living on my Land that man’s court of law would find difficult to remove based on the idiom of “possession is nine-tenths of the law”. According to websites that I Googled, this is an expression meaning that ownership is easier to maintain if one has possession of the land and difficult to enforce if one does not have possession. In the absence of clear and compelling testimony or documentation to the contrary, the person in actual, custodial possession of the property is presumed to be the rightful owner.
Finally, I realized that we have an advocate in Messiah Yeshua and our Elohim says that He will avenge us. In this understanding, I have peace of mind. After all, the land will eventually be returned to its rightful owners and be ours throughout eternity. Amein!
Buzz on the Teaching
I am part of the Baby Boomers that were born between 1946 and 1964. I arrived on earth in the wave during 1948. I remember in the 50’s and early 60’s that it seemed like there was always someone I knew that was pregnant. There were always LOTS of children at my family outings, in the neighborhood, and in my classes at school. I mention all of this because there has been a wave of people dying recently. At HOI, in the past 6 weeks, 5 family members of Saints have passed! I think we are seeing the natural ebb and flow of life; generations come and generations go. Personally, I am claiming my 120 years!
I sat with the Brother Saint whose wife passed recently. He invited his son, daughter and 2 grandsons to Sabbath Service. He said his family was a big help to him adjusting to his life without his wife. His daughter said they thought that Arthur “taught the truth without a lot of the other stuff”; his son agreed. I got most excited when they both said that they would watch the Live Broadcasts. I also made sure they both had copies of the Discipleship and Leadership contact cards. I left their table as another Sister came to sit and talk with them. I believe they are on the way to healing and accepting the lost that has changed their lives.
Near sundown, there were still 11 of us at HOI. We were enjoying each other’s company and having great conversations. As a group we talked about losing a loved one and how to grieve appropriately so that grieving doesn’t take us into a depression or other emotional states that are contrary to living an abundant life. Some of the mothers had a side discussion about the trials and tribulations of raising young men and woman in the midst of so many distractions in the world. Later, the conversation included all of us as we reasoned why Jacob didn’t recognize that he was with Leah and not Rachel on his wedding night. We all laughed when one Brother Saint said, “Wine, no lights, and he had been waiting seven years!”
Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,
Last Updated on July 13, 2018 by Arthur Bailey Ministries