
To Tithe or Not To Tithe

 After this teaching we will have an understanding of tithing. From the very beginning of time, YeHoVaH (God) made a distinction between what man is to freely enjoy from what is forbidden.


“To tithe or not to tithe?” As some would say, that is the question. After this teaching we will certainly have an understanding. From the very beginning of time, YeHoVaH (God) made a distinction between what man is to freely enjoy from what is forbidden. I believe that in Genesis chapters 1-3, most of what we need to know about the Almighty and about ourselves is revealed in a practical way. In this Ebook you will learn:

  • The Law of tithing.
  • Faith before tithe.
  • Tithing is for today.
  • And much more...


  • To tithe or not to tithe?” As some would say, that is the question. After this teaching we will certainly have an understanding. From the very beginning of time, YeHoVaH (God) made a distinction between what man is to freely enjoy from what is forbidden. I believe that in Genesis chapters 1-3, most of what we need to know about the Almighty and about ourselves is revealed in a practical way.
  • An offering made by fire is an offering where you build an altar and offer unto the Almighty. When they offered it, a burnt offering was wholly consumed. Can you imagine when the children ofIsrael went up to Jerusalem and brought their offerings or when they were at the tabernacle? Can you imagine? Imagine it. You could see it in Egypt. YeHoVaH commanded every house to have a lamb except if the house was too small to consume the whole lamb, then two houses were to be joined. Imagine if there are twenty thousand families. Twenty thousand families! I believe that there was more than that, but just imagine that twenty thousand lambs died. There were twenty thousand hides. There were guts everywhere. Imagine this picture at the altar.
  • Here is what the Father has been showing me concerning tithes and offerings. What I have found is that just as we have a tendency to compartmentalize the things in our lives, the Father also has various rooms and compartments where he has his treasures. These treasures of course are spiritual, but they manifest themselves in the natural realm.
  • The question is: how do you lay up treasures in heaven? Understand that the tithe is not for an individual. It is not for an institution. It is not for a people. The tithe belongs to YeHoVaH. As we have discovered, when we tithe we are giving him what is due him. But because we are giving it to people or to an institution or an organization, we can easily overlook the fact that we are operating in obedience to YeHoVaH. We may conclude that we are giving our money to someone.

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Last Updated on July 14, 2022 by

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