Abram and Pharaoh Chapter 12:10-20
Abram and Sarai were married before they left Ur. Now that Abram has gone to Canaan, he faces a famine there. So, they decide to go to Egypt. Abram was concerned for his own life and had Sarai say that she was his sister for his protection. Here it is obvious that Abram is relying on his own wit for protection instead of YeHoVaH. Was Sarai Abram’s sister, half-sister or was she his niece?
Pharaoh showed Abram great favor in exchange for Sarai by bestowing great wealth unto Abram. In spite of Abram’s misrepresentation, YeHoVaH rescues Sarai from Pharaoh.
As we continue in Genesis and through the Scriptures, we will see that Egypt played a continual role in the lives of the Israelites even in the life of Yeshua.
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