Taking Possession of The Land Chapter 23
Sarah died at 127 years old. This would have made Isaac around 36 years old when his mother died since she gave birth to him when she was 91.
Sarah died at 127 years old. This would have made Isaac around 36 years old when his mother died since she gave birth to him when she was 91.
As James wrote, YeHoVaH does not tempt; He comes to test or prove Abraham. Abraham heard the instructions given him and rose up early in obedience to the instructions he had been given.
According to 2 Peter, Lot was a righteous man living in the midst of wickedness. Lot had gone from living outside of Sodom to living in Sodom and serving in some counsel capacity by sitting at the gates of the city.
This episode begins with Abram leaving Egypt with his wife and his nephew, Lot. Abram was very rich in cattle, silver, and gold that Pharaoh had given Abram for Sarai’s sake.
Abram and Sarai were married before they left Ur. Now that Abram has gone to Canaan, he faces a famine there. So, they decide to go to Egypt. Abram was concerned for his own life and had Sarai say that she..
Although Moses had written concerning the generations of Shem in the previous Chapter, he revisits the generations of Shem with a focus on Arphaxad.
Understanding The book of Genesis is foundational to the understanding of the rest of the Bible.
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