The seventh-day Sabbath, established on the seventh day of creation, is the most established Commandment in all of Scripture. The seventh-day Sabbath was created by YeHoVaH; established, observed, and kept by Yeshua; and is a gift given to man as a day of rest, assembly, and worship.
The religious leaders of Yeshua’s day had created Sabbath Day laws of dos and don’ts that they imposed on the people and accused Yeshua and His Disciples of violating. In this portion of Matthew, Yeshua is confronted by the Pharisees on two separate occasions of violating their laws which led to a plot to kill Him. Did Yeshua violate the Sabbath, instituted by YeHoVaH, in either of those incidents?
Join us in these tense and confrontational moments as Yeshua tries to reason with the Pharisees about the Sabbath Day from a Biblical and historical context in the teaching, Lord of the Sabbath.
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Thursdays @ 7PM ET and Saturdays @ 11AM ET
Friday Night Sabbath Premiere at 8 PM
Fellowship Time:
Sabbath Service @ 11AM
Thursday Service @ 7PM
Friday Night Sabbath Premiere @ 8 PM
Copyright 2021 by Arthur Bailey Ministies