A Conspiracy, Anointing and Betrayal Matthew 26:1-16
The last thing Yeshua discussed with His Disciples, while with them on the Mt of Olives before returning to Jerusalem, was concerning His return.
The last thing Yeshua discussed with His Disciples, while with them on the Mt of Olives before returning to Jerusalem, was concerning His return.
Alone with His Disciples on the Mount of Olives, Yeshua begins to share the events surrounding His Second Coming. His Disciples had asked Him to tell them, when shall these things be? What shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world?
Messiah Yeshua’s earthly ministry set the record straight concerning the preeminence of YeHoVaH’s Word in the earth in the lives of the people of Israel and the people of the world.
DOWNLOADFREE EBOOK VISITBOOKSTORE DONATETODAY Humility can be defined as having a humble opinion of one’s self. Pride, the opposite of humility, can be defined as
Terminology evokes images in the minds of people that affect people consciously and subconsciously in how they see themselves and in their approach to the entity they call God.
The seventh-day Sabbath, established on the seventh day of creation, is the most established Commandment in all of Scripture. The seventh-day Sabbath was created by YeHoVaH; established, observed, and kept by Yeshua; and is a gift given to man as a day of rest, assembly, and worship.
All the prophets and the Law prophesied until the coming of John the Baptist. John’s ministry and Yeshua’s ministry were both fulfillments of prophecy.
Fellowship Time:
Sabbath Service @ 11AM
Thursday Service @ 7PM
Friday Night Sabbath Premiere @ 8 PM
Copyright 2021 by Arthur Bailey Ministies