Shalom Saints,
“Sharon, I’m impressed by your credentials and I have enjoyed talking with you immensely, but you just don’t have the skills for this job.”
I wasn’t too disappointed, because I knew I didn’t have the skills for the job, but I wanted the interview to see if I could somehow work my way into the University system. Then I said, “I really enjoyed meeting and talking with you too. Are you aware of any other programs that might by looking for someone with my skills?” He thought and then he said, “There is a chance. The Detroit Family Project needs a Director, you could talk to my friends over there and see if there might be a match.”
Family Project … teaching parents how to raise children … training parenting counselors… etc. Now, that was going to be a stretch! Little twinges of doubt began to creep in. I fought them off. I wanted a job! I started praying and thinking of a strategy that might work. The Project was not operational, it was still just an idea that had received funds. So what skills were really needed in a Director?
When I met with the two hiring Administrators, I was upfront with them that I had never operated a parenting program, didn’t have children, but I did have a mother. They laughed!
I went on to tell them that what was really needed was an administrator with skills in planning, hiring, making connections and operating a budget. They saw the confidence in me and hired me!
I could have let the doubt grow into a fear so strong, that perhaps I wouldn’t have even gone to the interview. I could have let the anxiety grow to an extent that I could have felt I had no power in that situation, and that my future would be determined by the hiring persons.
At that time, I did not fully know the truth, but I did know that I had to walk in a semblance of power or I would be defeated. Now, how much more can I walk in the power of the Holy Spirit?
Listen to this teaching where Arthur talks much of trials, being calm under pressure, and walking in the power and authority given us by the Almighty through the Holy Spirit.
Summary of the Teaching
Peter’s fundamental message throughout his letter is that walking a righteous life in obedience to Yehovah, as Yeshua showed us how to live, is of the upmost importance. Peter wrote with passion to help the Saints in his day, as well as you and me. He wanted us to know what to expect as we walk through the rough terrain. Arthur echoes that sentiment because following Yeshua is NOT a primrose path.
We are wise when we heed the advice of those who have gone before us. We especially need to pay attention to Peter because he was an eyewitness to Yeshua’s actions, teachings,and persecutions. Peter was there as Yeshua faced the perils brought on by the religious establishment.
If you were preparing to climb a mountain, wouldn’t you want to read the journals and reports of those who had actually climbed and reached the top? Well, listen to this teaching and learn from Peter’s journal. Arthur presents in detail how to prepare for the climb, and describes some of the landmarks to look for in this righteous climb to grow closer to Yehovah.
- The Bible is a tool; it is not what is supposed to lead us. The Holy Spirit leads us and those lead by the Holy Spirit are the sons of Elohim. HalleluYAH!
- Expect the fiery trials. Don’t let them trouble you. The Father puts us in situations where we are tested. The trials are designed to teach us how to respond under pressure; be calm, keep trusting the Father.
- The only way not to be deceived is to walk lockstep with Yeshua.
- We have to be mindful not to become busybodies. Don’t justify this behavior with the self-deception of “I’m just concerned about others”.
- We have ability to judge ourselves. We must monitor our thoughts, behavior, motives, attitude, and our responses to people and circumstances. When we lose sight of the fact that we will have to stand before Yehovah, and give an account of our lives, we can allow atrocious things to happen in our lives.
- Righteousness is observing the divine laws.
- Our eyes and ears are gateways to our minds. Our mouths will speak whatever is in our minds. When we are convicted of something that we have said, but still let it stand because we are embarrassed, we are letting our fleshly pride rule. Pride will destroy us.
- Fear and worry are the result of failing to exercise the power and authority given to us.
Listen to this teaching so that you will be well equipped for the journey of the righteous!
Buzz on the Teaching
Riding home with Floyd after the teaching, I told him that I was convicted about the way I was fretting over an issue with our daughter. I can be quite aggressive if I don’t put a check on my attitude and mouth. Well, two weeks ago, I came down so hard on her that I had to apologize.
I was telling Floyd that I had given her to Yehovah many times; that’s because I keep taking her back from the Father and believing that I have the solution if my daughter would just listen to me. The real issue is my trusting the Father and letting Him help my daughter work this out for herself.
Sometimes, I can be so hard-headed. Two days ago, I decided to enlist my son again in this project to “help” his sister. He told me the same thing the Holy Spirit had been telling me, “You have got to let her work it out.” He didn’t want to get involved again like he did some weeks ago at my urging.
I have decided to focus on the fact that I have a loving daughter and I will please the Father by helping to build her up and not tear her down for an issue that will soon fade with time.
Trusting our Father will be a determining factor in our eternal destination.
What trust issues are you working on?
Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,
Last Updated on March 7, 2017 by