7th Day of Unleavened Bread “A Little Leaven” – Teaching Review

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Shalom Saints,

I am convinced that it is only through the power of the Almighty that Arthur can teach nearly 100 teachings a year and still have something fresh, relevant, and important to share with the Saints!  This teaching was a guidebook on how to make YeHoVaH the Lord of our lives, to take charge of what we speak, and to renew our minds. 

Right after the reciting of the Declaration for YeHoVaH’s Blessings, Arthur emphatically expressed that we should speak over our lives, on a regular basis, the things that we desire for the Almighty to do in our lives.  In order for this to happen, we have to give the Almighty the permission to have His way in our lives.  The last line of the Declaration says, “I declare I will walk in Obedience to YeHoVaH every day of my life!”  However, if every day we are making decisions without consulting the Lord, how can we call Him Lord when we are not doing as He says?  We must reject the attitude that He is the Lord over some of our lives and we rule the rest of our lives.  Arthur stressed it is important to listen to the Holy Spirit because you can make decisions today that will wreck your tomorrows.  Always follow the Holy Spirit’s leading and never disregard the warnings. 

When you declare Him Lord, give Him Lordship!

Arthur spoke on the power of our words.  Words are spirit and as spirit, they cause things to happen.  He warned us that if we were not careful, we would open our mouths and just let words flow without any thought to the actions that may ensue.  Judge the consequences of what you are going to say before you say it, not afterwards! Words spoken can’t be unspoken.  If you are not intentionally thinking before you speak, idol thoughts will establish a stronghold in your life.  Those strongholds will then begin to govern your life.  The strongholds are in our minds and emotions; we have to pull down strongholds!  Better yet, don’t let them develop.

Learn about The Power of Your Words (DVD)

In keeping with the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Arthur discussed leavening as false teachings and doctrines.  If what you believe does not line up with what is written, then your mind needs to be renewed because what is written is truth!  The Torah came from the mouth of YeHoVaH and Yeshua is the living Torah.  Only the teachings of Yeshua will prepare us for His return.  Arthur said, “We must renew our minds with His teachings taught through Him, His apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers that He has given for the perfecting of the saints for the work of ministry.” 

Apostle Paul said,

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Read the Torah for yourself!  Complete Jewish Bible (Softcover Book)

Listen and pray along with Arthur’s Prayer to Renew Our Minds.

Sharon’s Reflections on the Teaching

During the teaching, Arthur spoke these inspiring words: 

The greatest advance you can make is when you take captive your imagination.  If you can imagine yourself doing it, you can do itImagine yourself walking holy … living righteously … living set-apart!

The key to what Arthur said is to imagine according to the word of the Almighty.  We can imagine things for ourselves that will come into being, but will have negative consequences if they are opposed to His word.   Some of the things that we imagined in the past may be affecting us now and into the future.  Your imagination can help or hurt; it is all up to you!


  • Floyd, in his fifties, worked at the Barn Restaurant in Archbold, Ohio.  He was asked to start training as the night-shift manager and cook.  Floyd had managed two fast-food Restaurants in Detroit, the Red Barn and Peppy’s, before he was drafted into the Army in 1968.  The Barn was a buffet Restaurant that also catered weddings, banquets, and conventions.  When he was asked to be the night shift manager at the Barn, he started to imagine himself operating all the stoves, ovens, and fryers without burning up any food or the kitchen!  He imagined sending delicious and well-plated food to the customers.  He was successful and received many “compliments to the chef”.
  • In 1968, Floyd was in Basic Training in Fort Knox, Kentucky.  He imagined himself being wounded by a bayonet during hand-to-hand combat training.  What happened?  He was poked one inch below his eye!  The scar is still there today.
  • Several of Floyd high school friends had to take the Driver’s License Test twice in order to pass it.  Floyd imagined that he would only have to take it once; he studied as if he only wanted to take it once.  He passed the test the first time.

Be careful what you think! 

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.  (KJV)

Buzz on the Teaching

Fellowship extended until sundown, and then many Brothers and Sisters helped to remove the extra tables and chairs we had set up for the gatherings during the Feast.  We were moving with precision as the tables and chairs were folded and stacked in another part of the building, and the red cushioned chairs were put back in place.  The local Saints very much appreciated the visiting Saints that helped.  We worked like a team.  There was a job to be done and we got it done!


I want to give a special thanks to all the visiting and local persons that helped throughout the 11 days of services and activities.  They were helping as Greeters, Reservation Hosts, Ushers, Marketplace Vendors, Photographer, Videographer, Children’s Room Teacher and Helpers, Kitchen Helpers, Parking Lot Attendants, Maintenance Helpers, and we had more than enough food with the Saints bringing Unleavened Biblically Clean food to share.




Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,



Last Updated on April 25, 2018 by

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