“The Acts of the Apostles Chapter 2 Pt. 4” Teaching Review


Shalom Saints,

One of the things that I enjoy about Arthur’s teachings, and that cause me to look forward to them, is that you never know what revelation you will get, BUT you know you WILL get one!  There is multidimensional ministry going on: teaching, prophetic words, counseling, pastoring the Saints, protecting the souls of the Saints, encouraging the Saints, and equipping the Saints so we can go forth with the true gospel of repentance. 

For example, Arthur declared in a confident voice, “You are a wealth of information and knowledge with what you already have!”  We mustn’t isolate ourselves from the world, just don’t become a part of the world.  We have to be the light in the midst of darkness.  Arthur went on to say that we have to be examples of serving Yehovah the way He has instructed, not serve Him the way the world serves Him with their traditions and religions. 

Arthur started the actual teaching by giving a review of the first part of Act 2; the events occurring at Pentecost.  Then this teaching from the last part of Acts 2, described what the believers in Jerusalem did after the Feast of Pentecost.  

One of Arthur’s hallmarks of teaching is to take the mundane and common things that most of us don’t think about thinking about and show us what it really means!  Here are a few jewels from this teaching worth pondering.

  • The Last Supper was just the last meal Yeshua had with His disciples. It could have been the Last Breakfast or the Last Lunch!
  • The New Covenant is first mentioned in the Old Testament!
  • Many people choose to ignore the truth after hearing the truth. That is when they cross the line from being ignorant to being foolish.
  • We can show others the righteous path by what we do and say. You cannot shove someone down the path because we can’t save anybody!
  • How do you curse your own children? By not teaching them the instructions of Yehovah!  Listen as Arthur talks about the choices and consequences that children have in following Yeshua or another way.  This is a pep-rally for parents to exercise their authority!
  • No Pentecostals were at the Feast of Pentecost, in the Book of Acts. As a matter of fact, no Christians were there either.
  • The root of the term Gentile is “heathen”. Pagans are people that do not worship the true Elohim.
  • True worshippers never eat that which is abominable in the sight of their Elohim.
  • The name “Jesus” does not embody what the name “Yeshua” embodies. Yeshua means salvation.  Jesus is a name that was given to Yeshua by pagans.
  • When Yeshua chose the disciples, none of them was performing miracles. However, they learned, through Yeshua’s demonstrations, to do what they saw Yeshua do.  Signs and wonders should be following all the Saints!  It should be a common occurrence!  

Arthur also spent time discussing the Four Pillars of a Healthy Congregation.  First, the Apostles’ Doctrine.  This is teaching what Yeshua taught.  Second, Fellowship which is communing with one another while all are in communion with Elohim.  Third is the Breaking of Bread.  And lastly, Prayers

There was so much more!  You will have to listen to the teaching!!

Sharon’s Reflections on the Teaching

I heartily agree with Arthur’s statement that when you are not able to connect the Old Testament and the New Testament you will come away with incorrect understanding. I have a friend in Alabama who is a Sunday Church goer, but says that she knows the Shabbat is Saturday.  On Saturdays, she rests, studies, or visits the elderly and infirmed at the local Nursing home.

I asked her, “Why do you still go to the Sunday Church?” She responded with “I haven’t found a Sabbath church where the preacher can preach as good as my Sunday pastor.”  I have tried to break through that barrier with the rationale that the Sunday preacher is not keeping the Law of God so why listen to someone who is not teaching the Law of the Almighty.  The “good preaching” trumped the truth each time I brought it up.

She is tied to this particular church because of a miraculous healing that took place there.  She believes by keeping the verses below in Matthew, she will be saved. This is the downfall of taking a few verses to live by in the New Testament and not giving credence to the Old Testament Laws. 


Matthew 25:34-36   

34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.  (KJV)

She is in her eighties and it still alert and active, so there is no mental/medical condition that is blocking the truth.  She is blocking the truth by holding on to selective traditions and rejecting the truth.  She hands out pamphlets in the community against Halloween, but will participate in Christmas and Easter. 

After this teaching, I had to recognize that my friend had crossed the line from ignorance to foolishness. 

Buzz on the Teaching

This Shabbat the young Saintly couple returned with their baby boy!  After many lifestyle adjustments, because of their expanding family, both Mom and Dad look really well. The baby was cute.  Really cute, not just something I am saying.  He was quiet and looked around at all the faces and took in the environment.  One more Saint for the Kingdom!


After the service, we had a short congregational meeting on the plans for the Fall Feasts.  Feast of Trumpets will be this week.  We will have the Holy Convocation at 1 PM on Friday or 11 AM on Sabbath Morning.  (Many of us are hoping that The Feast and Shabbat will be on the same day, Saturday.)  This is one of the many times when it is clear to see that we are truly set-apart!  Waiting on the Renewed Moon! 

Judaism has the Feast dates set years in advance.  This year, their date will be too early to coincide with the Feast of Trumpets.  Oh!  By the way, they call it Rosh HashanahThe New Year in the 7th month!!  Really!

The Children’s Activity Committee is planning to have the children put on a skit.  They were soliciting old sheets that can be converted into Biblical outfits.  The congregation expressed much interest in seeing the children involved in this project. 

There were Saints inquiring about the Vendor tables.  They are free and we hope that many will participate.  I have enjoyed seeing, tasting, and wearing the Saints’ entrepreneurial endeavors!

Come join us for the Feasts!

Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,


Last Updated on July 13, 2018 by

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