Shalom Saints,
When you tune into Arthur’s teachings, you cannot predict from the “title” all that is contained in the message. There were two messages and a powerful testimony from a Saintly Couple before the message from Acts. I have been in congregations where either one of Arthur’s messages could have been the sermon for the day. Afterwards, congregants would have heartily pumped Arthur’s hand as they exited the door saying, “Good message, Brother! Right on time!”
The first message was vital for us to have the Biblically correct understanding that YeHoVaH considers the weekly Sabbath to be a Feast just like the other Feasts mentioned in Leviticus 23. The Sabbath day does not stand alone; it is one of the Feasts of YeHoVaH. Arthur explained that the term “high day” is used only once in the New Testament Commentary for John 19:31. Arthur continued on to warn us that a doctrine cannot be established from one verse.
Learn more about The Fall Feasts of YeHoVaH
The second message was for our personal edification and strength of character. Arthur launched into this by saying that he had to stand in a place of resistance all the time. We have to guard our heart to be sure that we don’t allow other people to enter into our spirit and then act in an un-Saintly manner. Part of taking responsibility for our own lives is to know the people we allow into our space.
The main message of Acts Chapter 4 has its context in Chapter 3 when Peter and John, through the power in Yeshua, heal the lame man. Arthur reminds us that when we walk in the authority given us by the Messiah, the manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit has the ability to get the attention of people. However, that power will not manifest if you don’t believe you have the authority. As a matter of fact, we are always subject to a power, either light or darkness. Listen as Arthur talks about how we exercise our authority or we allow some other spirit to have authority over us. This is a serious reality!
We all should make the decision to walk in power whether those around us do or not!
Sharon’s Reflections on the Teaching
Quite often I hear people coming into agreement with illness, diseases, poverty, or other “lacks”. Whether they are Saints or unbelievers, I kindly mention to them, that they are affected by the words they speak. It is so important that we speak with authority to ailments that challenge us. Logically, why rebuke a headache, if you are claiming that it is yours, “I have a headache.”
This concept of claiming an illness is promulgated in most television advertisements. It is almost a prideful concept to speak of my diabetes … my fibromyalgia … my irritable bowels. We have to be so careful to not take on the words of the world! Like Arthur, WE ALL need to stand in a position of resistance, especially against the messages that enter us in times of relaxation, when we think it is safe to “let down our guard.”
Learn more about The Power of Your Words
Buzz on the Teaching
This has been a wonderful time of Celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles. I’d like to give you a brief look at my Daily Journal so you can vicariously experience it with me. So turn on your imagination and put yourself right in the action with me.

Last Wednesday night, Floyd made a large amount of pancake batter for the next morning. We have found that it tastes better when it sits overnight. Thursday morning, we were up early preparing for a 10 a.m. breakfast with my Sister Saint from the Bahamas. She, her husband and two daughters joined us for pancakes, duck bacon, spicy chicken sausage in lamb casing, organic chicken sausage, raw milk, organic apple cider, orange juice, organic maple syrup, and lots of stories that we shared about our lives since Passover.
That afternoon, my daughter and I headed to the Charlotte Airport to pick up my Sister Saint from Texas. We were so excited to see each other and had so much in our hearts to share that I wasn’t paying too much attention to my driving and we ended up in “do-wah diddly”! (That is Southern talk for “lost”.) My daughter turned on the GPS as Texas and I were rolling in laughter. When we got back to the house, we had dinner of roasted turkey breast, roasted root vegetables (parsnips, yams, and red potatoes), and mixed steamed veggies. Later we noticed that several of the HOI Saints and another Bahama’s Saint were LIVE on Facebook with guitars singing and bringing in the Sabbath!
Friday, my family and our Texas house guest were at HOI for the 1 p.m. Convocation. It was like being at a Family Reunion when all the Saints came streaming into HOI. I usually go from table to table greeting the guests; this time it was greeting guests and loving on old friends. At sundown, there were many of us still here fellowshipping. We reluctantly left so we could “hurry-up and sleep” to return here at 11 a.m. on Shabbat.
On Shabbat there were 91 Saints in the house! The number on Friday was similar. There was more rejoicing and time to spend with folks. Several small groups were huddled, either praying for one another or having in-depth conversations. When I moved around to talk to someone else, I noticed the groups had changed. There were relationships being forged and relationships being updated. All of this in the Presence of YeHoVaH! How Wonderful!!
Sunday was the gathering at Brother Vincent’s house. We feasted on two fried turkeys, many roasted chickens, salads, veggies, and plenty of desserts. I didn’t count the people, but I think there were over 50 Saints inside and outside Celebrating. A Sister and Brother introduced us to a strategy game that intrigued us, there was guitar playing, song singing, and lots of laughter filled the air. In the midst of the partying there was also praying and healing taking place. HalleluYAH!
Monday was a normal work day for me. Then Tuesday, the vendors set up their wares! We had lots of Saints come to purchase the wares and have lunch with us. Today, Wednesday, the vendors are here and an informative film on GMOs (genetically modified organisms) is being aired.
The vendors are selling several kinds of Messianic themed tee shirts, all cotton or all linen handmade clothing, handmade scented body balms, entrepreneurial teaching materials, silk wall hangings, silk scarves, handmade decorative plates, flower baskets, head wrap scarves with demonstrations, and of course Arthur Bailey Ministry products. There are different vendors joining us each day. Tomorrow the chocolate truffles arrive!
I hope your experience through our week was as exciting and joyful as it was for me. Leave me a comment about your Celebration!
Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,