The Acts of the Apostles Chapter 5 Pt. 2 ‘The Fear of YeHoVaH Re-established’ Teaching Review

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Shalom Saints,

Arthur taught this message from his experience of being in the miry clay of the fear of men and circumstances, then climbing up to a place of freedom in only having a life-saving FEAR of Elohim.  Arthur gives examples from his life and from scripture to show that when you walk in the authority of YeHoVaH, there is nothing to fearWe have to decide whether we will focus on the circumstances presented to us or focus on our strength in YeHoVaH.  Focusing on the circumstances will lead to an unholy fear because we are no longer focusing on YeHoVaH’s joy or walking in the authority He has given us.  Therefore, we enter a place of weakness where fear preys, terrifies and paralyzes us.  This unholy fear is our enemy! 

Instead of fretting over circumstances, be uplifted and focus on the source of all your solutions.  As Arthur said in the clip below, “no matter what you are going through in life, You Can Always Find Something to Give Thanks For!”

In the preamble to the Teaching, Arthur addressed the circumstances that many of us face: our friends and family don’t value us as much as people from a distance.   The core of the breach, between us and our loved ones, is that we have chosen the narrow, set-apart path and it is a path opposed by the world. So … every one of the changes we have made in our lives by following YeHoVaH’s Commands, creates a different adjustment for our loved ones.  Sometimes, they just can’t make those adjustments.  Arthur strongly asserts that should not stop us from continuing to follow how the Father is leading us.  Those who love us, “if we are genuine and sincere about what it is that we believe, they can genuinely and sincerely love us, even though they may not agree with what we are doing.”  

Learn about Messianic 101: The Essentials

The subtitle of this teaching is The Fear of YeHoVaH Re-established.   In Acts Chapter 5, the fear of YeHoVaH is reestablished among the people.  Up to this point in the New Testament narratives, the people feared the religious leaders, the Sadducees and the Pharisees, more than they feared YeHoVaH.  As a matter of fact there are more phrases indicting “fear of the Jews” than there are phrases of “fear of God” or “fear of the Lord”! 

Arthur gave detailed historical information, examples from current events, and personal experiences as he elaborated on these three points:

  • YeHoVaH reestablished the fear of Him amongst the people, NOT the religious leaders.
  • YeHoVaH established a new Religious Sect called the Nazarenes. Amongst the people, it was feared and respected even though it was abhorred by the Sadducees and Pharisees.
  • YeHoVaH exposed the religious leaders’ fear of the people! The religious leaders feared the people more than they feared YeHoVaH.

Father’s way is for each and every one of us to be in a place where we are totally surrendered to Him and do not fear anybody, but HIM!

Grow in your Faith, read these books:

Messianic 201: Adding To Your Faith

Messianic 301: Perfecting Your Faith "Maturing In Messiah"

Sharon’s Reflections on the Teaching

When Arthur asked us not to confuse the biblical Religious Sect of the Nazarenes with the Church of the Nazarenes, I knew exactly what he meant.  I was a card carrying member of the Church of the Nazarenes in Michigan.  I was an Adult Sunday School teacher and an active participant in all the church activities.  My best friend at the time was a Nazarene.  This is one of the stories where no names will be given.  I started to say to protect the innocence, but I think ignorant and/or rebellious would be a better identification. 

Drinking was forbidden according to their church doctrine.  Someone said to me, “Jesus couldn’t have been a member with that rule.”  However, we drank wine and strong drink in our home because we had never read “don’t drink” in scripture, just:


Ephesians 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; (KJV)

There were also cliques in the church.  This was in a rural town and some cliques were due to common ancestry, some to political ties, and others due to financial status.  It was the cliques that finally convinced us to switch to the United Brethren denomination.  A woman, who was slightly mentally challenged, decide to foster her grandson.  She was snubbed by one of the cliques.  A baby shower was given for the woman and none of that clique showed up.  I personally did not like it because she was a friend of mine.  She was Caucasian as was the rest of the congregation, other than our family.

My best friend at the Nazarene church was married to a man that was quite controlling and I could not visit her when he was at home.  He did not like people of color.  He also blamed her for their first son’s genetic disabilities.  She felt trapped and there was no one at the church willing to counsel them because he was unwilling to listen and he was on the Board.  I believed that the leaders feared that man because of his financial status.

Even though there were conflicts in the First Century Nazarene Congregation, the bedrock foundation was TORAH to resolve differences and difficulties.  In the Church of the Nazarene, there were only man-made traditions and lawlessness; neither of which could bring the resolutions needed.

Buzz on the Teaching

One of the questions during the Q&A Session brought up a discussion on false teachers manifesting healings.  Arthur gave a priceless discourse on how man does not have the capacity or capability to heal.  Man through his scientific endeavors is able to prolong lives by using certain prescribed regimens, but ONLY YeHoVaH can heal.  Healing is solely in the hand of our Elohim.  The Father can and does use whomever He chooses to work through.  People have erroneously associated the manifestations of healing with the person and not with the Almighty.  The Almighty can heal even in the midst of false teachers.  Healing can occur in any environment the Father chooses.  Listen as Arthur shares how he received a healing as Father worked through a “suspect teacher”. 

Don’t ever make the mistake of discrediting a healing because of where it occurred or attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to demons; that is Blasphemy!

Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,



Last Updated on December 14, 2017 by

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