What is the Eighth Day Feast?

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What Is the Eighth Day Feast?

What is the Eighth Day Feast?

The Eighth Day Feast  is a commanded Feast that immediately follows the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles.

  • Leviticus 23:39 & 44

  • When is the Eighth Day Feast?

    The Eighth Day Feast is on the 22nd day of the 7th Biblical month.

    • Leviticus 23:39
    • Numbers 29:35-40

    Who should celebrate the Eighth Day Feast?

    All of Israel and those who join themselves to Israel should celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. This includes the native born and those grafted in.

    • Leviticus 23:1-2

    Why should we celebrate the Eighth Day Feast?

    We celebrate the Eighth Day Feast because it is commanded by YeHoVaH.

    • Leviticus 23:39
    • Numbers 29:35-40

    How do we celebrate the Eighth Day Feast?

    • Gather for a Holy Convocation.
    • It is a Sabbath Day.Rejoice in YeHoVaH’s presence with other believers.
    • Bring Offerings.
    • Commune with the Saints.
    • Leviticus 23:36-38
    • Numbers 29:35

    The Eighth Day Feast ends the Latter Feasts of YeHoVaH. Learn more about the Early and Latter Feasts! The Feasts of YeHoVaH

    Last Updated on July 18, 2022 by

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