Listen as Arthur addresses Questions, Comments, and the Issues that affect our lives.
Arthur, why is it that some people are sick, Father’s Word says He will heal us, but the person is not winning the battle over the attacks of the enemy?
Arthur’s Condensed Message
Father wants to heal us. He wants to make us whole. However, Father has given us very clear Biblical Principles that we must follow to deal with dark unholy spiritual activity. The only thing that enables individuals to withstand the works of the devil is the truth of the Word. Hearing the Word and not putting it into practice is not a good buffer against the attacks of the darkness of the enemy. The only way Father is going to uphold you is when you stand on truth. Listen as Arthur gives a warning of great consequence on how to deal with demonic activity.
Listen to Arthur’s Complete Response
Hearing the Voice of YeHoVaH is your first line of defense against the forces of darkness!
People of truth, when we believe something that is not truth, our response is to repent!
No matter how confident you are, you always have to give place to the idea that you could be wrong! (From a former mentor of Arthur)
Father is not leading us by emotions! … This is a led by the Spirit walk!
The greatest weapon of the enemy is deception.
People say they want help, but often times there are those who are not willing to do the work that brings about the change.
The main reasons why people disregard and disobey the Almighty is ignorance and self-centeredness.
Don’t spend your energy arguing with those who reject what you have to say.
The persecution, trials, and tribulations will cause you to question the truth that you know.
The only thing that enables individuals to withstand the works of the devil is the truth of the Word.
Father is looking for a people that He can use to tell the people, “Listen, you all are going the wrong way”.
Brothers and Sisters, Preach the Gospel, don’t compromise the Gospel regardless of how people may respond.
Like the disciples of old, who preached the Gospel wherever they went, we should preach wherever we go.
Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,
Last Updated on June 26, 2019 by