“Take Your Thoughts Captive!”

Listen as Arthur addresses Questions, Comments, and the Issues that affect our lives.


Is it really important for me to monitor my thoughts ALL THE TIME? Sometimes I just like to let my mind wander.  I know the difference between right and wrong, so I don’t see anything wrong with occasionally letting my mind float where it wants to go.

Arthur’s Condensed Response 

Brothers and Sisters, we must admit that at times we allow our minds to go into places that it shouldn’t go.  During the time when our minds are not focused on the things of the Almighty, we do damage to ourselves.  It is during those lapses that we give place to doubt, unbelief, and ungodly thoughts, which influence and direct our behavior.  Either you take your thoughts captive, or your thoughts will take you captive!

Listen to Arthur’s Complete Response

Need Power to control your thought life? Start FASTING FOR POWER

Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,


Last Updated on December 29, 2022 by

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