Listen as Arthur addresses Questions, Comments, and the Issues that affect our lives.
Apostle Paul, in the Book of Acts, esteemed the Bereans. My Christian, Sunday worshipping, friends say that they are like the Bereans. So, what does it really mean to be like a Berean?
Arthur’s Condensed Message
The Bereans didn’t have a New Testament. They searched the Old Testament to test what was being said by Paul and other teachers. You couldn’t convince the Bereans that the Law was no longer valid or that the Sabbath had been changed! The Bereans didn’t celebrate Christmas and Easter. There is a big difference in being like a Berean and just saying you are like a Berean!
Listen to Who the Bereans Were!
The Bereans understood the fundamental practice of keeping the 7th day Sabbath!
Sunday Is Not The Sabbath?
There is a difference in knowing what the Bible says and walking in what the Bible says by His Spirit.
Married people: Discipline is knowing the buttons to push and not pushing them.
Where He is taking us, He has to get stuff out of us. That’s just the bottom line!
It’s not until you’re in a pressed situation that you really see what’s in you.
He reveals things to come to help you get through the present!
Though something may be in our way right now, we can overcome it.
If you reflect back on the time when you made your greatest errors or you made your mistakes, it was when you lost sight for a moment that He was with you.
We have to practice the presence of the Almighty.
Father is not filling denominations with His Spirit; He is filling people with His Spirit.
The Holy Spirit empowered Yeshua the same way it empowers us!
When you walk in the Spirit, when you have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you should expect that the Holy Spirit is going to reveal things to you.
The Holy Spirit will do more revealing things to you about you than about somebody else. The Holy Spirit is not a gossiper!
The way you become more spiritual in hearing, is you obey what you heard.
There are things that we have been told that we have the authority to walk in that doesn’t require the power of the Holy Spirit to do; it is simple obedience.
Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,