2015 End of The Year Message From Arthur Bailey

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2015 has been an extraordinary Year of Achievements for Arthur Bailey Ministries International and House Of Israel International. All Praise to YeHoVaH in Yeshua’s Name! Your Financial Contributions and Prayer Support has enabled us to Accomplish So Much! Will you help one more time this year?


— Launched Discipleship101.TV
— Accreditation of our Discipleship Training Curriculum
— Spirit Filled Living Television Program
— Released 8 Books
— Released 13 FREE E-books
— Conducted 3 Missionary Journeys Overseas
— Launched House Of Israel London w/Pastor Marcus Da Costa
— Launched House Of Israel California w/Pastor Dr. Robert & Vergie Gonzalez, and much, much more!


From the very beginning of 2015 we launched our FREE Discipleship101.TV website to help fulfill the Great Commission of “making disciples of all nations.” Our goal for 2015 was 300 students. We exceeded our goal in the first month and continued to reach milestone after milestone. We currently have 1339 students enrolled, 5 students have already graduated the course and new students are enrolling daily. This 2-Year Discipleship Training Program is NOW Accredited under the umbrella of Next Dimension University, an Accredited University in Ontario, CA.

In September we launched a Discipleship Pilot Program in the Victorville Federal Prison. Our Discipleship Training Course is on track for Accreditation and The Discipleship Program is being translated into the Russian language.


Over the course of 2015, we have quietly focused on developing leaders to facilitate home fellowships and lead congregations worldwide. We are in the process of launching Leadership101.TV but many have been taking our video leadership course until the full blown Kingdom Leadership Curriculum is developed.


During 2015 we produced programming for 6 television stations which broadcasted our Spirit Filled Living Television Program on the Christian Television Network, Alpha Omega TV, The Victory Television Network, Inspiration TV (in 160 Countries) and The Church Channel. We recently added the Impact Network TV. Our Spirit Filled Living TV Programs are accessible to millions of homes thanks to you!

Our Weekly Sabbath Service at House Of Israel was produced and broadcast on Charlotte, NC TV Access 21. By the end of 2015 we will have Aired over 650 times over 52 weeks on 6 Christian TV Stations and 1 Secular TV Station


This Year we conducted 3 missionary journeys:

— Israel in April
— London England in August
— Russia in September

David Salinas (Psalmist), Simona Kronfeld (Russian Interpreter) and I traveled extensively throughout the land of Israel, taking the apostles’ doctrine, the message of faith and healing with the demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit. We ministered in 13 congregations and ministries in 9 cities over the course of 11 days. This would not have been possible without you!


We traveled to London and ministered in three congregations including the newly launched House Of Israel London where we ordained and installed Pastor Marcus Da Costa as lead pastor. We conducted a healing service and shared the good news of the Gospel of the Kingdom. We left London and took the Gospel of the Kingdom to Russia were we ministered in 10 congregations and ministries in 7 cities including Moscow, Rostov and St. Petersburg; demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit and sharing the Good News of Messiah. We laid the groundwork for House Of Israel, Russia as well as House Of Israel, Israel.

While in St. Petersburg, Russia, David Salinas and I were given a unique opportunity of sharing on TBN TV in Russia. You were with us on every flight and every step of the way!


I traveled to California to acquire the Accreditation for our Discipleship Training Curriculum and while in California, we launched House Of Israel – California! And installed Dr. Robert Gonzalez as lead pastor.


Your generosity enabled Arthur Bailey Ministries International and House Of Israel International to produce and Broadcast LIVE 102 New Teachings in addition to the Holy days of Passover, Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Sukkot and the Last Great Day LIVE and made them all available free of charge. With your Financial Contributions, we are Taking the True Gospel of the Kingdom to the Whole World via the Internet, our Television Ministries and Missionary Journeys to Israel, United Kingdom, Russia and beyond.


We produced 13 FREE E-books that have been downloaded by hundreds of people. Daily, we provided Prayer Ministry, Phone Ministry, Counseling Ministry and MORE to people Worldwide, FREE of Charge! We endeavor to keep our Teachings and Services FREE and with your help, we can! We are not simply talking about taking the Good News to the ends of the earth, We are Taking, Preaching and Teaching the Gospel of the Kingdom to the ends of the earth as our Messiah Commanded.

With your financial contributions to Arthur Bailey Ministries International and House Of Israel international, you too are fulfilling the Command of our Savior! “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” (Matthew 24:14).

With Your Year-End Contribution and Continued Financial Help in 2016, we can reach more people with The True Gospel of The Kingdom! Yeshua Commissioned His followers to make disciples of the nations:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”(Matthew 28:19,20)

Together we are Motivating and Inspiring Individuals to Live up to their Spiritual Potential. Together we are Changing Lives, Strengthening Families, Equipping the Saints and Making Disciples of the Nations! Your Year-End contribution will help us launch 2016 even more aggressively as we subdue the works of darkness, set captives free and shine the Light of Messiah to the Whole World!

Together, With YeHoVaH’s Help, We Accomplished So Much in 2015! Together, We Will Accomplish Even More in 2016! Give Today! Help Make this coming year our Best Year Ever!

Help Make this coming year our Best Year Ever!


Last Updated on June 4, 2018 by

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