The Evolution of the American Gospel – Pt 6 The Evolution Completed – The Other Gospel

evolution feature 6

Shalom Saints,

It is difficult to separate faith from culture. We are raised by our families and taught their faith within a culture. If you are brought up in America, you will most likely be a Christian. If you are raised in a Muslim country, there is a good chance that you will adopt the Muslim religion. This fact explains the phenomena that is common in countries where the American gospel has been transported. Arthur has seen foreign church services mimic the American churches! Even to the point where you have Israelite/Hebrew people calling the Messiah “Jesus” instead of Yeshua, His Hebrew name.

Arthur starts the last teaching of this series with an overview of the Book of Acts. The first nine Chapters of Acts records the ministry of Yeshua and His disciples. Chapters 9 and 10 are concerned with Paul’s conversion and the remaining Chapters are devoted to Paul’s ministry. After Chapter 28 of the Acts of the Apostles, there is very little biblical history on how the ministry of the gospel proceeded. In the Book of Revelation, we are given some updates on what happened in seven churches in Asia.

Arthur notes that it is quite interesting that none of the “church fathers” are mentioned in scripture, but they have had the most influence on the gospel as we know it today.

The faith once delivered to the Saints came from Israel. For more on the Faith, check out these teachings.

Contending For The Faith


Messianic 101: The Essentials



Listen as Arthur explains some of the transitions that the gospel went through before it reached the shores of America. Also, America was the first Western country to be established by Protestants.

King Henry VIII brought religion and politics together when he rejected the authority of the Pope and made himself the head of the Church of England. Arthur continues following the trail of politics and religion to the American Constitution. Arthur read portions clearly showing the abominations in the Bible are protected rights under the Constitution.

Arthur then explained that when foreign nations reject Christianity, they are really rejecting the American culture and the lifestyle of choices that our Democracy protects. Again, you cannot separate faith and culture.

Arthur sums up how the true gospel, which began in Israel, has come full circle and the “other gospel” is being sent to Israel from America. Listen as Arthur tells us there are idol temples and churches in Israel, but no temple to our Elohim!

We, the people of YeHoVaH, must:

  • Be strong
  • Be aware of religious trappings
  • Be lights to this world of darkness

Sharon’s Reflections on the Teaching

This teaching series has revealed more of myself to me. I am reminded of Paul’s confession when I think of my own ignorance and unbelief! However, to be honest, I have to add willful disobedience with the description of my past.

1 Timothy 1: 12 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; 13 Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. 14 And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. 15 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. (KJV)

Truly, we never arrive when it comes to learning and growing. Part of that is seeing where we were before learning the truth. Today, I realized I was a Deist! Rationally I believed God existed, but I told people that God wasn’t concerned about our lives here on earth. I lived my life according to this mind set for many years. As I look back, I cringe at the dangerous position I was in with respect to my eternal life. Had I died then, I would have “hit hell hard”.

I have just had another realization! When I came into the Christian churches as an adult, I remember saying the exact same thing. It is frightening to think that I thought I was saved. However, I didn’t have a clue that I was standing in line, with the masses, headed to an eternal damnation.

As Arthur reveals truth to us layer by layer, I see that what he is doing is not beyond the reach of someone with a willing mind and seeks the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He did not uncover “secret information” from a source only available to the privileged!

I choose to blame myself more than my false teachers. If I had only read the Bible for myself, with my thinking cap on. If only I had a mind to approach my whole life with due diligence. That is, searching the word, knowing for myself, and not being lazy and blindly taking someone else’s word as truth.

An example comes to mind. During my Deist days at Indiana University, I belonged to a Greek lettered Sorority. The Bloomington Campus had 30,000 students; 500 were Black students. One evening, while practicing with an off-campus modern dance troupe, I was “tapped” to be a member of the PanHellenic Association. This Association was the governing body for all the Sororities on campus. I was escorted to an outdoor candlelight service on campus where I was inducted as part of this prestigious board. I never asked to see what I was pledging! It was an honor to be on the Board and it never crossed my mind to question anything about the group! I believed that I had arrived!

Arrived where? I was at another level of self-deception and pride. Repentance in this life is ongoing, as we shed more of our past and go deeper into holiness.

HalleluYAH! We have a PAST.

Buzz on the Teaching After service I took my plate of food to the table where a young family was sitting.  I started with the usual warm greetings and conversational questions.
  • Hi! May I sit with you?
  • Where are you from?
  • How did you hear about the ministry?

Well, I was quite surprised when they said they had never heard of Arthur. They said they were in town for the weekend and looked on the Internet for a place to worship. They saw our website and decided to worship with us! Praise Yehovah for leading them to House Of Israel where they heard the truth. They stayed for a couple of hours fellowshipping with Arthur and other Sister and Brother Saints.

I also talked with another young couple who are expecting their first child soon. They have asked, and some of the Sisters have agreed to be her backup plan if the wife’s Mom doesn’t arrive from out-of-state in time for the birth. The young wife wants someone there to help ensure that her birthing instructions are carried out the way she and her husband have planned. One of my Sister Saints, who has a toddler, said how helpful and reassuring it was when one of the Sister Saints was with her at the birthing center through the whole process.

I enjoyed being a part of several other conversations that were uplifting. It was a joyous atmosphere. We even had a conversation about wishful plans for Sukkot/Tabernacles. One of the Sister Saints enjoyed living in an 11 foot RV with her husband and 4 children for many months. She would like to get a tent or have an RV for a camping experience for Sukkot. Many of us Sisters and Brothers were trying to explain the whole camping camaraderie to a “city” Sister Saint who marveled at our excitement about living “outside”. Well, we have almost 5 months to sway her opinion!

Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,


Last Updated on June 10, 2017 by Arthur Bailey

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