Shalom Saints,
Arthur’s opening prayer included, “Father … If Your Word cuts us today, we know that You will heal us!” That was a definite signal that we were going to receive strong meat today! The persecution experienced by the disciples, the death of James (John’s brother), Peter’s death sentence, and Peter’s divinely engineered escape were the events that Arthur discussed in order to encourage us in our times of persecution. Arthur said that when we face trials, we should look for the stories or lessons that are applicable to our situation and then apply those lessons to our lives. The experiences of others will help us to endure our trials.
The passage covered in Act 12 revealed:
- Yeshua’s warning of persecution, even death to those who follow Yeshua, continues to be fulfilled.
- The promise of YAH’s deliverance in the midst of persecution.
- That when we pray, we must believe YAH hears us and will answer us.
- How answered prayer can perplex, and even be somewhat unbelievable, when the answer manifests.
- How the Feasts continued to be observed 10 years after Yeshua’s death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.
- The confirmation of YAH’s ability to deliver us out of what may look like an impossible situation.
Arthur said that it was clear that despite the persecution, the word must go forth because we are surrounded by people who are perishing! Unlike Christianity, Arthur is not concerned with filling up the pews; he is focused on preparing people for Messiah’s return. Arthur does that by following Yeshua’s pattern of making disciples and equipping them to do what He came to do.
Equip yourself with the DISCIPLESHIP PRODUCTS!
At this point, the Teaching took a turn and Arthur expounded at length on manifesting the power and authority given to us. Arthur has repeatedly reminded us that our message will simply be words without the POWER that goes before the message! Yeshua is the premier example of this. The people of the 1st Century followed Yeshua, not because He was a profound orator, but because of His miracles. We can argue and debate, as long as we want, but Arthur said people would not be moved until they see your power.
Then Arthur laid out his three-point strategy for the teaching he did in Nigeria in early 2017. First, each day he began with a healing service. Arthur did this because he was bringing a message that was foreign to the people there; they could discount the message. However, Arthur made a point of saying that they couldn’t discount the power, people being healed, and the testimonies of their brethren. Healing and deliverance was all a part of Arthur’s message. Arthur declared that every believer has access to this anointing, has access to this power, and can manifest the power of the Holy Spirit.
Second, the Discipleship and Leadership Training materials were displayed so that the people could see it, handle it, and become familiar with it. The people were also given information on how to access the materials as well as the ministry website. Those materials on display, as well as materials given to the Nigeria congregation, gave credibility to Arthur’s ministry.
Equip yourself with the LEADERSHIP CURRICULUM!
Third, the word was taught with power. The word of truth was undeniable because when people had an issue, they couldn’t argue that what Arthur was saying wasn’t in the Bible.
Sharon’s Reflections on the Teaching
During the Q & A session quite a lot was said about how Americans have the tendency to see doctors as prophets. We go to the doctor for a “word” (a diagnosis), come into agreement with those words, and then set in motion a self-fulfilling prophecy! I was once a part of the deceived masses that believed just that way.
I grew up in a household where doctors were held in high esteem. I considered it an honor when our family doctor hired me for two summers. I was in college in Indiana and would go back to Detroit to live with my grandparents for the summer months. The first summer, I worked as a receptionist and the second summer as a patient assistant. I witnessed all manner of drugs being dispensed; I gave various types of Pharmakia injections, even to babies. The drug representatives were seen as a type of Santa bringing us free gifts. I even had a crush on one of the doctors who was probably 20-25 years older than me and he was Jewish. The “Jewish” factor somehow made him wiser and superior. “Boy Oh Boy!” I had a lot of scales on my eyes!
Arthur threw a reality punch when he said that too many people ascribe the authority of the prophets of Elohim to the prophets of Baal.
Enough said!

Buzz on the Teaching
During Q & A and Testimony time, I rejoiced with my Sister Saint when she testified about losing and then finding her wedding ring in the crowded airport last week. Then I casually brushed my hand pass my right ear and noticed that my earring was gone. I knew when I put it on that morning that the threads between the pearls was thin and might slip off the metal loop going through my ear. I was disgusted at myself because I knew better and the earrings and necklace were a set made in Israel.
Then I thought, Sister Saint found her ring, the Holy Spirit can help me find my earring. Well, I prayed and began to mentally retrace my steps.
Then “Bam!” I remembered that when I went upstairs, the rope-type shoulder strap on my purse got tangled in my collar and I had to yank it and pull it over the right side of my head. That is probably when the earring was jarred loose.
Sure enough, it was right there in the Administrative Office hallway! I picked up the earring and secured it to the metal loop. Because the threads at the top of the earring were loose, I slipped the metal loop through a more secure portion of the pearl and macramé design. This made the right earring shorter than the left earring. I thought, no one will notice. Later I sat at the table with my Sister Saint and told her how her testimony had spurred me to call on the Holy Spirit even in a little thing like my earring.
Later, I spent some time with my Brother Saint who had recently lost his wife due to a long-term illness. He was quite open with me about what he was going through dealing with losing his wife of 47 years. I shared with him my process of dealing with the grief associated with my mother who passed in 2014. He talked about how they met and how she continually prayed for him and lead him to God. He was thankful that he had a community of believers to help him through this trying time.
After my Brother Saint left for home, I joined two Sister Saints who were discussing one Sister’s recent move to Charlotte from Ohio. Then out of the blue, my longtime friend Sister Saint said, “Your earrings are different lengths!”
Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,
Last Updated on July 3, 2018 by Arthur Bailey Ministries