Shalom Saints,
There was a profusion of wisdom and experience in Arthur’s Teaching. In true “Arthur” fashion, valuable advice was shared for strengthening our faith walk and being victorious when facing persecution. This Lesson was a continuation of the saga of Paul and Silas being beaten, shackled, and thrown in jail. Their imprisonment was a result of Paul casting out a demon from a slave woman who was being used to tell fortunes for her master’s financial profit. Her masters had no problem with Paul and Silas preaching until it affected their income stream and livelihood. At that point, they brought Paul and Silas to the magistrates.
These highlights from Arthur’s Teaching are based on the second half of Acts 16.
- The Gospel that Yeshua preached separates the light from the darkness. This Gospel does not accept other religions. Therefore, persecution will be directed at the Saints who have faith in Yeshua and live out the True Gospel of the Kingdom.
- There is a psychological war that is being raged by the church that claims the power of the Holy Spirit, that empowered Yeshua, is no longer available today. This has in effect watered down the Gospel of the Bible to be ineffectual and purely intellectual with no power.
- Most people won’t target their attacks against Elohim, but will shoot at the messengers, the Saints, all day long.
- Investing time into people is a more valuable investment than money. However, most people put more value on the world’s investment system than an investment in the Kingdom.
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- If you don’t value your time, other people will waste it.
- Father reveals His plans for us when we need to know them.
- When Father does reveal His plans, or gives us directions, or warnings, we need to be led by the Holy Spirit and obey. We should avoid being in a situation where we wished we had listened.
- When you start living your faith, in spite of what others think, you will get blessings that they won’t.
- When we observe Torah and obey Father’s word, all power in heaven and earth is with us. When YeHoVaH is with you, He is more than the world against you.
- Father doesn’t force us to obey Him. It is a choice that we make.
- Use your imagination and insert yourself in the Bible. Think of how you might act or react in each situation. This will give you insights into what the Saints experienced and help you on your faith walk. Don’t let the Bible become a book of stories.
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- The world around us is constantly vying for our attention. We must remember that we are not human beings. We are spirit beings that have taken on a human body.
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
- Our Shalom (peace, tranquility, safety, well-being, welfare, health, contentment, success, wholeness, and integrity) is in becoming what Father has called us to be.
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Sharon’s Reflections on the Teaching
I want to share an experience of mine concerning what Arthur said about the power of our words. “Words have power if you give power to them!” I went to the doctor’s office for a minor skin irritation. I had been using home remedies with no success, so I went to get a second opinion. I really wanted to know if it was just as I thought – a minor skin irritation. It was. However, this was my first time at this office and a nurse had to complete an intake form. She got to the section about diseases, ailments, and causes of death of close family members. With every answer I gave her, I would say, “but I am not claiming that!”
I refuse to come into agreement with illnesses that killed relatives and believe that through genetics I could succumb to the same illness. NO WAY! Not ME!
Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Proverbs 21:23
Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.

Buzz from the Fellowship
We were blessed to have a visiting couple from northwestern North Carolina. They are a part of a group of five families that meet in homes for fellowship twice a month. They had first seen Arthur in a Documentary and then went to YouTube to watch his Teachings. They have been watching online for a few months. They did a little more research and to their surprise, they found out that Arthur’s ministry was in Charlotte! It was delightful to sit and talk with them. Many of the regularly attending Saints took turns sitting at their table and conversing with them. They said they enjoyed the service and I hope they will come again.
I joined a table conversation in progress with three Sister Saints. One of the issues that we all had experience with and had strong comments about was leaving our children in the care of nonbelieving family members. Sometimes it is unavoidable when you live with these family members or need their childcare help while working. We talked about the guidelines that need to be set concerning such things as the types of food given to our children and inappropriate television programs. We all agreed that living in someone else’s home would bring about issues of authority and clashes of childrearing practices, especially if you are living with nonbelieving parents.
I just happened to be passing by a table with two Brother Saints and I heard one of them mention Indianapolis. I stopped to inquire because I lived in “Nap Town” when I was in high school. The conversation wasn’t even about Indianapolis, but about the Brother from Indianapolis trying to learn the layout of Charlotte. Another Brother, a longtime resident and truck driver, was trying to help with some navigation strategies. I mentioned that I use my GPS for unfamiliar places. The Brother from Indianapolis then said that GPS is making us dumb. I paused, then agreed.
I remembered when I always carried a map in the car with me. I would look up a section of town, find the street, and then search for the address when I got to the street. I used to always be aware of the direction of the sun because I used the directional position of the sun to help me find my way. Wow! These are skills that should not be lost. We might not always have GPS!
Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,