Shalom Saints,
I raise chickens, organically, for their eggs that we eat and sometimes sell. This past Friday, we were returning from Lake Lure and passed through a small town. We saw a sign that said, “Hens for Sale.” We met a 70+ farmer and his brood of hens. He had at least 50 hens in a large shack. They lived their whole lives in the shack on a dirt floor, sheltered from the wind, and the only sunlight was through the windows. These were not optimal conditions to raise healthy chickens. We brought five hens that were 2-3 months old.
When we got our 5 hens home, we placed them in the coop so they would know where they were to roost and lay eggs once they begin to lay at about 5-6 months. After two days, we noticed that the new hens never left the coop. They didn’t follow our older flock to free-range in the large grassy area.
We were concerned. Then we realized that the new hens had never walked on grass, felt the wind, or been in natural sunshine. They were holding on to what they knew; staying within the confines of 4 walls.
We gathered them one by one and pushed them through the door to the outside. They did not want to go! We finally got them all out. They are now walking around in the area closest to the coop, but they are outside enjoying the sunshine, wind, grass, and yummy insects.
This is an analogy of what David talks about that some people hold on to false doctrines because it is all that they know. We have to be understanding of this when we share the truth with them. We have to show them not only the fallacy of their doctrines, but the truth backed up by solid scripture. Hopefully they will choose the truth and walk in it.
Summary of the Teaching
Today’s teaching by David was of gigantic proportions in dispelling notions of a secret pre-tribulation rapture. David slashed through unfounded beliefs based on false teachings, thinking that Christians are not subject to the wrath to come, dispensationalism, misinterpretation of Daniel’s 70th week prophecy, and a distorted view of Paul’s writings.
When listening to this teaching and sharing it with others, it is critical to understand that we still have a blessed hope of a resurrection, it is just not before the tribulation.
Listen as David explains our blessed hope:
Yeshua is our Master and what He taught with authority is the standard by which we should measure all of our beliefs. David’s logical and scripturally centered teaching described the harmony between what Yeshua taught and what Paul wrote and taught.
Listen as David elaborated on these points of reconciliation between Yeshua and Paul:
David concludes by stating that Yeshua’s authoritative teaching regarding His second coming in Matthew 24 is the basis for Paul’s writings. When Paul is speaking on the 2nd coming, he uses the same words, the same warning, the same attending events (the Master appearing, trumpet blasts, and a gathering of the Saints), and the same metaphors and exhortations when he wrote to the assembly in Thessalonica as Yeshua did when He spoke to His disciples.
Paul’s rapture is the SAME as Yeshua’s gathering!
David ends by praying that we are able to effectively witness and communicate the truth in the Gospel. David further hopes that we as believers, armed with the truth, will be able to snatch people from the air of deception of false teachings and false doctrines. HalleluYAH!
Buzz on the Teaching
Before the teaching, David had his “Message before the Message.” It was really a battle cry that every day we need to be engaged against the enemy! David emphasized that Yehovah has given us the authority to win the battle.
- We have power over the creation.
- We can cast out devils.
- We have the victory now; we just have to lay claim to it by recognizing our strength in Yehovah and walking in faith continually.
- We don’t have to be sick and downcast. We have Yeshua, the King of the Reign of Elohim in our midst!
After sundown, there were 11 Saints and 2 children that stayed for our last “Winter Games Night.” We enjoyed playing table games and listening to Messiah music. When one battle cry song was played, it energized the Saints because we all were either enduring trials, just coming out of trials or aware of other’s trials. Spontaneously, we began to praise, dance, and sing along LOUDLY with the lyrics.
It felt good to praise with Saints that understood the battle, knew that we were all in this together, and that we are VICTORS. HalleluYAH!
Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,