Romans 12 Part 1 – Teaching Review


Shalom Saints,

This teaching started off with an alley-oop and a slam-dunk. There were two “Messages Before The Message ” Figuratively speaking, the Holy Spirit threw the word to Arthur, who caught it in mid-air and with stealth control, Arthur slam dunked it!​

In the first “Message Before the Message!” Arthur explains how Hebrew Roots and the Messianic Faith have nothing to do with Judaism.

My family was nearly snared in this trap. When we were in Michigan, we longed for fellowship with Sabbath keepers. A window installation salesman from Home Depot told us about the congregation he attended in Toledo led by a Rabbi. (We had not heard Arthur’s teachings as yet!) We went several times, but we always felt we were not really accepted as one of them. The Rabbi, his wife and some of the congregation were standoffish towards us. At that time, we didn’t know anything about Gentiles being considered second-class citizens.

Later, when we were in Alabama, and had a few teachings from Arthur under our belt, we decided to find a congregation close by that we could have fellowship with between the times we went to Charlotte for the Feasts. We found a congregation led by an Elder, which was better, but the final nail on the coffin was when the “Jewish” cantor came over to me during the fellowship and asked me not to say the name of Hashem again! I couldn’t believe it! I knew Arthur had talked about this, but for someone to actually approach me and tell me not to speak the name of the Creator!! At first I was surprised, then I regained my composure and asked him, “Why?” He said some mumbo-jumbo about the name was so sacred that we shouldn’t say it out loud. I looked at that man like he was crazy, and just said, “Oh, I see.” Then one minute later, I said “Yehovah” again! Of course, we never went back there!

Arthur also has a short video on Avoiding Religious Traps in the Messianic Faith.

Summary of the Teaching

Paul’s overriding message to us is that we are required to take our faith seriously and effectively live out our faith while surrounded by people who don’t have faith in Yeshua and will even demand that we follow their worldly ways.

This teaching was a feast of wisdom for daily living. There were so many points that Arthur expounded on. Listen to the teaching and hear more on:

  • What are the labels and agendas that the world gives us?
  • Why will there be people who will choose to live out their lives in opposition to Yehovah?
  • The biggest problems in life come from….?
  • Does worship require sacrifice?
  • How do believers get the wool pulled over their eyes?
  • How do you know that you know God?

Buzz on the Teaching

The second slam dunk “Message Before The Message" exhorted us to be truth tellers.

When I worked at a University in the East, I worked with faculty, staff and community people in an Outreach Program. The Director of the Program, recently deceased, was a wheeler-dealer and would bend the truth, “if need be”. It was alright if he was on your side, but watch out if he didn’t like you or you stood in his way of advancing his projects. He happened to like me. Based on one phone call he made, I was admitted into a graduate program with a full scholarship. Sometime later, he asked me to write him a letter of recommendation to someone at the University. It was one of the hardest thing for me to do, but I told him that I couldn’t, based on what I had seen in his character.

I just read his obituary and saw all of his accomplishments in Universities on both coasts. I can only wonder if he cleaned up his act and got right with Yehovah.

Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,


Last Updated on December 6, 2016 by

This teaching started off with an alley-oop and a slam-dunk. There were two “Messages Before the Message!” Figuratively speaking, the Holy Spirit threw the word to Arthur, who caught it in mid-air and with stealth control, Arthur slam dunked it!

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