Romans 12 Part 2 – Teaching Review

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Shalom Saints,

I was a sheeple! I can excuse myself during childhood, but I clearly remember sitting in New Mount Zion Baptist Church as a young teen and trying to figure out 3 days and 3 nights from Friday to Sunday. I knew the math was wrong, but I clearly made a choice to ignore the obvious and “just go along with the program.” I was on the denominational path as Arthur called it.

When I was around thirteen, my father’s mother had a Jewish woman as a boarder. My Grandma was a widow and she often had boarders or patients that she cared for. This particular Jewish women told me about eating Biblically clean. Immediately, I was convicted to stop eating pork. That conviction only lasted a month or two until my Baptist mother dangled a summer trip to the Grand Canyon and California with my Aunt and her family. “You know they don’t want to be bothered with you with all this Jewish stuff! Besides, we can eat pork now, we have refrigerators!” So I sold out for a cross country trip on the Sante Fe Railway! We slept in the sleeper cars and had finger bowls, with slices of lemon floating on the water, to wash our hands before eating the roasted pork.

As an adult, I taught Sunday School in three different denominations (Quaker, Nazarene, Brethren). I taught the lessons in the Sunday School Booklet that were disseminated to all the churches in either the Nazarene or Brethren denominations.

Even when I freestyled in the Quaker Classes, I stuck to the party line. Now, I cringe to think about how I could have possibly taught the life of David and the Parables without knowing Torah.

With the Christians, I did so well pushing the square peg into the round hole that when I came into Hebrew Roots, a friend said to me, “Sharon, how could you believe that stuff! You taught Sunday School here for 5 years!”

I have repented for teaching lies and leading people down the wrong path. I could blame the denominations, but I can’t. All I had to do was read for myself and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to me. However, when I believed I had the truth, or I was comfortable with settling with the beliefs of the denominations, my seeking for real truth stopped.

Summary of the Teaching

Arthur never lets us forget that we are reading a letter from Paul. Letters are usually read in their entirety in one sitting. Especially doing a verse by verse study, we have to be cognizant that the letter builds on what has been said earlier in the letter. So, Arthur highlights the main points in Chapters 1-11 and then proceeds to Chapter 12. A few of the highlights were:

  • All have sinned and are in need of Yehovah’s mercies. This is a great equalizer.
  • Paul was not ashamed of the gospel of Yeshua
  • ​Those who are led by the Spirit are the sons and daughters of Elohim
  • Faith is a requirement for salvation and faith comes by hearing the word of Elohim

Paul then transitions to how to apply the faith he described in Chapters 1-11. He gives practical applications of how our faith can be expressed in our daily lives. Our responsibility is to present our bodies as a living sacrifice because Yeshua paid the price for our salvation.

Arthur pleaded with us to not make the mistake of saying we have given our lives to Yehovah, but then live our lives for ourselves. We deceive ourselves when we hear the word and don’t obey the word.

“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” - James 1:22

You must listen to this teaching and hear Arthur elaborate on:

  • How believers in countries with limited access to doctors and clinics heavily rely on Yehovah, the great physician
  • Pharmakeia and modern day sorcery
  • How our relationship with Yehovah will be tested and we must endure the tests
  • The clever scheme of the enemy to destroy us by our own pride and ego
  • The work it takes to become “one” in a marriage and “which one?”

Arthur concludes the teaching by reading from 1 Corinthians 12 and painting a beautiful picture of the body of Messiah being like the members of an orchestra and the Holy Spirit as the Conductor.

Arthur also mentioned two other teachings that he had taught on in previous services that expounds on 1st Corinthians 12 before reading from 1st Corinthians 12 and encouraged all in attendance to check them out.

Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts

Manifesting the Gift of Healing

Buzz on the Teaching

During the Fellowship after service, I joined a conversation where one Sister Saint was testifying how she had rebuked a reoccurring ailment and had petitioned Yehovah for a complete healing. She said that Yehovah had given her a word about how to avoid the ailment coming on her and that she awoke this morning ailment FREE! Then the second Sister Saint let us know that she had pain in her knees right then and sometimes in her hands. The first Sister Saint and I took the second Sister Saint into another area and anointed her with oil and prayed with her. When we asked about her knees, she said, “They don’t hurt.” Praise Yehovah!! Our Elohim is the Great Physician.

We were just walking out our faith and allowing ourselves to be used as the conduit for the Holy Spirit. HalleluYAH!!

Paul goes on in his letter to exhort on how to live out our faith in our daily lives.

Don’t miss this teaching!

Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,


Last Updated on December 12, 2016 by

I was a sheeple! I can excuse myself during childhood, but I clearly remember sitting in New Mount Zion Baptist Church as a young teen and trying to figure out 3 days and 3 nights from Friday to Sunday. I knew the math was wrong, but I clearly made a choice to ignore the obvious and “just go along with the program.” I was on the denominational path as Arthur called it.

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