Shalom Saints,
“You better teach that child to fear you and fear God!” This was a saying that I heard throughout my early life. The only thing wrong with it was that none of the people I knew had an inkling of what it meant to fear God. No one taught me God’s Torah.
The 10 commandments were taught to me in Sunday church, but my family and friends broke them all.
Only my dad’s mother kept Sabbath. Everyone else thought she was “different” and they certainly were not going to follow suit. The majority went on Sunday and the majority must be right.
Our family was involved in organized gambling. My grandparents had a 50th Anniversary Celebration and the local newspaper had a two page spread with the names of their children and photos. All the next week, the police were rounding them up for questioning.
I shopped in the basement of boosters. These were people that stole from department stores and resold the clothes at a deep discount.
All these things, and more, were considered wrong, BUT not evil. You could still be preached into heaven if you went to church every once in a while and sent some money.
Even though I was misled, I made a choice to follow that life style when I became an adult. As Arthur said, I shut down my discernment, I denied what I read in the Bible, I denied the checks in my spirit, and I followed mammon.
After many years of reaping of what I had sown, and revelations from people sent by the Holy Spirit, I took responsibility for my choices and repented.
Summary of the Teaching
This was not a “par for the course” teaching. It started with the Praise Team and David Salinas singing four songs and ending with a new song, “As for Me and My House.”
Arthur started his prayer with that same theme and went on to teach, what seemed like to me, at least 3 lessons! At the end of the teaching, Arthur asked for us to share our experiences related to Yehovah helping us out of situations that we were a part of creating. THEN, the broadcast ended with Arthur and David Salinas in an impromptu duet of Psalm 42! This was historic for its uniqueness and the powerful messages that went forth.
There were several “Ameins” and “HalleluYAHs” when Arthur’s opening prayer included the statement that we can’t control other people, even in our own house, but we can declare “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!” Arthur asked Yehovah to demonstrate His power and manifest the glory of His presence to our family members that need a revelation of truth.
The teaching today was so power-packed that you just have to listen to it to get all the gems of wisdom that are there for you. Listen as Arthur addresses:
- The word says ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. THIS IS PARAMOUNT. Even the men called righteous by Yehovah did not live perfect lives.
- Paul realized that he went to the wrong Law School; Arthur realized that he practices law in the presence of the Ultimate Judge.
- We must teach our children, while they are at home, the correct rules of life to follow if we want them to become citizens of the Kingdom.
- We can learn to sincerely love each other by carrying out intentional actions.
- There is a way to build a good relationship with someone you don’t like.
- Confronting the issues within ourselves first starts with honesty and understanding that we can control how we conduct ourselves regardless of the behavior of others.
- Repentance is very powerful even when we caused the problem. We do not have the right to continue the incarceration of ourselves when Yehovah has freed us from our captivity.
Listen as Arthur explains how to help our brethren overcome issues.
Buzz on the Teaching
When Arthur opened the microphone for testimonies about repentance and overcoming trials that we were a part of creating, Efraiym shared how a situation that he created some time ago, that he had not taken care of, was to the point that he was considering getting a lawyer to handle it. While Efraiym was driving to HOI this morning, his wife called and said that Arthur was talking about “lawyers” right now. Efraiym understood that this was a second witness to what Yehovah wanted him to do, get a lawyer. As he was explaining this to his wife, he noticed that he was passing Exit 47 -- Lawyers Road!
We serve an awesome Elohim!! Even Arthur said to Efraiym that he (Arthur) wondered why he was talking about lawyers in his message. Efraiym rejoiced that Yehovah used Arthur as His mouth piece.
I was part of Online Community today. After the broadcast ended, Floyd and I walked along the Oceanside at Myrtle Beach and talked about the highlights of the message for us. Floyd shared that the enemy regularly brings back indiscretions from 25-30 years ago. We talked about how Floyd needed to realize that once he had asked for forgiveness and had turned away from those behaviors, he did not need to keep asking for forgiveness. He was free and he should rebuke the enemy for even bringing up the past.
I said I realized that I am not the same person I was before finding the truth. I have a new way of living so that when the enemy wants to bring up past sins, I know that is not the “renewed” me. When the enemy brings up some of my past partners in crime, I just pray for them or ask Yehovah if there is something I need to learn. Then I don’t dwell on those thoughts.
Arthur described those attacks as “stuff” constantly on playback where it keeps on looping through your mind. Cut the tape; break the disc; turn the channel; cut the wires; be FREE.
Seriously. No hype. This teaching segments is one of Arthur’s most important ones on repentance and having daily freedom in one’s life.
Don’t forget to listen to the Arthur and David duet at the end of the broadcast!
Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,
Last Updated on May 4, 2017 by