Romans 15 Part 1 – Teaching Review

arthur bailey romans 1

Shalom Saints,

Arthur taught a BOOK today! Not just a Message before the Message and a teaching, but a Book. I have put this Review in Chapters. In a previous Blog I did say that we are the continuation of the Book of the Acts of the Apostles!

Arthur was so full of the Holy Spirit’s downloads that he started off talking a mile a minute! I prayed that I would be able to keep up with my note taking! I was relieved when Arthur acknowledged that he was speaking fast in order to get through the Announcements and on to the teaching. He did slow down the rapidity of his words, but the ideas and streaming of thoughts from the Holy Spirt were rapid fire and perfectly aimed at issues some of the Saints shared during the Q&A and with me during the fellowship.

Summary of the Teaching

Chapter 1: Repetition of the Word is Good.

Arthur explained that repetition helps to solidify the word in your spirit. The re-hearing of the word helps one to reinforce the essentials needed to live a righteous life. The word becomes a part of who you are when you are continually exposed to it. Also, there are new comers to the faith that need to hear the essentials for the first time.

Chapter 2: You cannot have the Blessings of Torah without the Torah.

In Christian and worldly prosperity, most often the sheeple are fleeced for the purpose of making the leaders and the sellers of the “prosperity products” wealthy. Yeshua came to call all men to repent, return to the Torah, and for all of us to experience prosperity.

Chapter 3: Bring into Captivity Every Thought to the Obedience of Yeshua.

Stop stinking thinking!! Random thoughts will show up, by the courtesy of the enemy. The enemy want to remind us of the past sins and hurts. When those thoughts show up, we must cast them down! Listen as Arthur explains how spiritual warfare starts in the head.

Chapter 4: Our Identity is in Yehovah our Father and Yeshua our Brother.

Doctors most often ask about illnesses that run in a person’s blood line and then began to treat that person as if all those blood line illnesses are in that person. Arthur warns us not to buy into that medical model and not to have faith in the pharmakeia pills. As Saints of the Most High, we have new identities that are disconnected from our biological blood lines. In our spiritual family, there is no family history of illness in our blood line. HalleluYAH!

Chapter 5: Make a Commitment to not Lie to Yourself.

Stop justifying behavior that is inconsistent with the Word of Yehovah. Take those self-deceiving thoughts captive and throw them down. We should continually examine our own fruit! Evaluate your actions to see if you are really conducting yourself in a way that shows you have hope in Yehovah and have given the control of your life to the Holy Spirit and no other passions.

Chapter 6: Spend time communing with Yehovah. Pray without ceasing.

The enemy is good at keeping us busy; even with “good” things. However, we need to commune with Yehovah all day, inquiring of Him and listening for His directions. Only when we commune with Him, does He truly order our steps.

Chapter 7: Yehovah is Perfectly Capable of Taking Care of Us.

Yehovah is the one that grants you favor and promotions on your job. When we acknowledge the fact that Yehovah is in control, no matter what our circumstances, we can rejoice and not let the circumstances trouble us.

Now, Roman 15 Part 1!!

Chapter 8: Don’t Cause Your Brother to Stumble.

Paul continues in his discussion of how we are to deal with brothers with differing opinions. Paul is specifically dealing with meat eaters and non-meat eaters (not a clean and unclean issue), but his principles can be generalized to other matters where our Torah sanctioned actions could cause a brother to stumble (e.g., drinking alcohol). Arthur goes on to say that only when we put Yehovah first can we even consider our brothers before ourselves. When we don’t put Yehovah first, we put ourselves first above all else. However, both Paul and Arthur caution us that in putting our brother first, there is a balance that comes from the whole of scripture, so that we do not become “men pleasers.”

Chapter 9: We are Saved by Hope!

Arthur mentioned that he has not heard a sermon on being saved by hope, but Paul talks of it and Arthur expounded on it. Hope is an expectation. We make a choice of whether it is an expectation of fear/evil or of blessings. Listen as Arthur tells us his beliefs that cause him to have blessed hope.

Chapter 10: Prosperity comes through Obedience.

We are taught by the world to pursue wealth. However, true Biblical Prosperity comes when we seek Yehovah’s righteousness. He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. Arthur explains that he allows the Father’s word to calibrate his thinking. When Yehovah adjusts Arthur’s thinking, Arthur’s walk is adjusted and the reward is wisdom.

Chapter 11: Appropriating the Father’s funds.

Arthur implores us to consider how we are using the funds Yehovah has given us. Are we spending His funds on a “want” when He gave it to us for a “need” and now we believe that Yehovah has not met our needs? The way that we get to be entrusted with the “much” is to be faithful in the “little.”

Chapter 12: Prayer for Accepting the Call to Minister.

As believers, we are all called to be ministers of reconciliation. Listen as Arthur explains and then prays for all who accept their call to be ministers and be Ambassadors of Yehovah’s Kingdom.

There is so much more contained in Arthur’s teaching. Listen and BE BLESSED!

Buzz on the Teaching

It was nearly impossible for anyone to sit through today’s teaching and not come away with some nugget of wisdom for their life!

A newcomer to HOI expressed his joy at being in an environment where the truth was being taught and lived out. All of us at the table were marveling and rejoicing in the fact that we had been pulled out of the world’s pool of deception.

One Sister Saint said she had a teaching moment with her son this week when she had to remind him that his flesh man would never come into agreement with Yeshua’s words. She emphasized that it would be a constant battle, however we are victors when we follow what scripture teaches is right. She was rejoicing that Arthur was a second witness to her son by teaching that we have to bring every thought into captivity, into obedience to Yeshua.

The “stinking thinking” resonated with me. Sometimes random thoughts come up in my mind so vividly that I start to search myself to figure out, “Where did that come from!” However, it is not me, but the enemy planting seeds of discontent. I have learned to quickly rebuke them and move on with my life. I was once told that it was not my fault if a bird landed on my head, but it was my fault if I let it stay there and build a nest!

The flesh man is always looking for a way to resurrect after you have put him to death. I remember awaking out of a nightmare last year yelling, “I rebuke that!” I laughed when I heard myself yell! I am so glad that the Holy Spirit in me never sleeps and is always on watch. HalleluYAH!

What issues are you grappling with that Arthur shed light on through this teaching?

Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,


Last Updated on February 15, 2017 by

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