Romans: An Epistle of Paul Chapter 13 Pt 1 – Teaching Review

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Shalom Saints,

When I went away to college in 1966, many of the freshman girls were virgins, including me. However, our peer groups did not have the same morals as our parents. Plus, being on our own brought about a sense of exploration with the conscience soother of “Well, everybody else is doing it.” Most of us didn’t make it through the first year with “all intact.” We let our dorm friends, Sorority sisters, and boyfriends influence us. Even the college turned a blind eye to morals; every year, there was a “pantie raid.” Mobs of collegiate young men would gather outside the dorms at dark and collegiate young women would throw their panties out the windows. Honestly, I watched, but I never threw mine down. I came from a background with too much voodoo/hoodoo to let someone get my underwear and put a spell on me!!

“You do as I say, not as I do! Do you hear me?” When I was coming up, this was the phrase used by adults to justify their actions to the children who wanted to imitate the adults. This was often said when a child would use the same cuss words they heard frequently at home. Even though they were admonished and threatened, the dirty words would sometimes “just fly out.” My paternal grandmother sadly shook her head after hearing some toddlers cuss, “They can’t help it. That’s what they hear their mama saying all day!”

Now, the environment and people not only affect children, but adults too. We often imitate the people with whom we spend time and even see constantly via social media and television. I once had a job in Detroit where I worked with men and women that “cussed up a storm” the whole evening as we processed street number tickets. When I took that job, I did not cuss. When I left that job 7-8 months later, the words would sometimes “just fly out.” This was one area that was cleaned up when my mind was renewed. HalleluYAH!!

We are examples for others and we do not want to lead others astray. Listen as Arthur teaches on this issue (This portion of the teaching starts here:

Summary of the Teaching

Before Arthur started Romans 13, he led us in prayer asking our Elohim to speak to us, bless us, and be with us in this place. Our corporate prayer was answered!

Arthur started by reminding us that knowing who Paul was writing to, when, and why, will help tremendously in the understanding of this letter to the believers in Rome. There were specific circumstances of the Italian’s occupation of Israel that do not apply to all governances across all time periods. To make the assumption that it does, will lead to an inappropriate interpretation of Paul’s message.

An “in your face” fact was thrown at us: there is no nation on earth at this time that is ruled by the Torah! We, the sons of God, are the nation that is governed by the Torah. Truly we are a set-apart people!

Yehovah’s Torah was designed for us to be self-governed. Yehovah uses the Holy Spirit to convict us and lead us to repentance. However, many people don’t see the violation of Yehovah’s Laws as a criminal act. Arthur eloquently juxtaposes the law of man and the Law of Yehovah. As he reflected on the similarities and differences between them, I gained a deeper understanding of why people repeat offenses (This portion of the teaching starts here:

Don’t miss Arthur’s explanation of who is a debtor. It was a relief to hear him describe the various scenarios of debtors and not find myself in the same category as the wicked borrower! (This portion of the teaching starts here:

The next portions of the teaching were devoted to explaining that the work of salvation is on-going and defining several terms used by Paul such as honesty, chambering, and provision. When we saw the context in which those terms were used, we realized that our English/American definitions do not suffice.

Yehovah spoke to us today through Arthur. As Arthur hoped, may we all be vessels that Yehovah can use to reach others.

Buzz on the Teaching

Confession: In the first few years of our 27 year marriage, I was more than a notion to deal with! I would allow thoughts about what I thought Floyd might be doing or not doing linger in my head and those thoughts would take on a life of their own. I had such a need to be in control that it bothered me not to know where he was ALL the time. One such time, I had worked myself up to a frenzy that I had out the hammer and nails to put a lock on our bedroom door. My sister happened to drop by and talked me out of it by saying that if I did put up a lock, I knew I was going to eventually remove it, and the nail marks would be there forever reminding me of my foolishness. Just about the time that I calmed down, in walks Floyd. He had gone to Eastern Market early to get me a bouquet of flowers!! I was embarrassed! This incident helped me to start letting go the need to control others and to not let my anger control me.

During the fellowship, I had a conversation with two Saints about how we dealt with anger and approaching people that we were angry with. My Brother Saint was saying he has gotten better about dealing with his anger and is exercising more self-control. I gave an example of how I use to yell at Floyd when I got angry, but I realized that I just heightened the emotion of the situation and was being a very bad example of a loving person. I also realized that all the anger was in me and I was self-destructing. I learned to calm down and approach Floyd with a soft demeanor and reason with him. This worked far better than any negative expressions did!

Arthur’s Take-away for this teaching was: When you fear Yehovah in your heart and truly believe that in Him you live, breathe, and He is your provider and meets all your needs, then the one you want to be most focused on satisfying and pleasing is Him.

An extension of that is, “When I love Yehovah, it will be reflected in how I love and treat others.”  Arthur warns us that if we talk to people when we are upset, some things could come out of our mouths that we could regret.  

Arthur advises us, when angry to:

  • Calm down
  • Think about what you want to say
  • Think about the outcome
  • Think how you are going to please the Almighty in the way you handle this
  • And be mindful of the thinking in your head.  Know that before you act, it started as a thought.

Don’t miss the Take-away!  It starts here:

Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,


Last Updated on February 14, 2017 by

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