“Sorceries and the Word” – Acts of the Apostles: Chapter 8 Pt. 2 Teaching Review

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Shalom Saints,

This teaching was a “Battle Royale”; a fight until only one combatant is left standing.

Arthur exposed the many voices of the enemy against the one true voice of the Almighty.  This is the battle over our lives here on earth and our eternal destinations.  Arthur introduced the topic matter as one that he hoped we would be able to endure

The voice we need to hear:  How to Hear God's Voice (DVD/Book Combo)

The battle is between the carnal/natural man and the spirit man.  We are two persons in one.  The conflict is particularly heightened when we believe we are a person/body with a spirit instead of realizing that we are spirits in a body.  Arthur repeatedly emphasized that we must walk by faith and not by sight.  Walking by sight manifests in a myriad of ways.  One way that Arthur spoke on was our tendency to seek approval from other people (carnal/natural focus) instead of seeking the approval of the Father (spiritual focus). 

The bottom line, or truth of the matter, is that carnal-minded man is at enmity with YeHoVaH.  In the “good versus evil” battle that we all face, we must acknowledge the fact that sometimes we have to attack our own carnal selves.  That is because our carnal selves come in opposition to the Almighty’s word because His word is spiritual.

Arthur covers the portion of Acts Chapter 8 that deals with Phillip, Peter and John’s encounter with Simon the sorcerer who became a believer.  Simon made a confession of faith, but Peter pointed out to him that he did not have a change of heart or a renewal of his mind.  During the course of the teaching, Arthur transitioned from “1st Century sorceries” to “21st Century sorceries” that many have deemed as acceptable. 

This teaching was a treasure trove of wisdom and understanding.  Here are a few of the main points that Arthur covered.

  • When you commit your ways to the Almighty, temptations are not as temptingbecause your faith in Him is greater than the temptation.
  • Search the word for yourself because Society tries to take its values/beliefs and insert them into the Bible to make it a Biblical belief.
  • Society has repackaged sorcery, magic and other occult arts into a palatable form called Entertainment.
  • Our society has gotten us to a point to where we seek the council of the doctors before we seek the presence of the Father.
  • The opinion of people is powerful if you give it power.
  • It is the word that changes people, not preaching.
  • It is so important for the people of YeHoVaH to put HIMHis word, and His power on display.
  • Sometimes, it is a dangerous thing to make decisions without council.
  • When you disregard Torah, what the Father says is wrong becomes acceptable.


Sharon’s Reflections on the Teaching

This teaching really hit home to me.  I reflected on the many times when my carnal mind had plans that were so appealing.  The only thing wrong was that the plans were in opposition to the word of YeHoVaH.  I am thoroughly convinced that walking by faith is a constant “return to the route” (REPENTANCE) because we live in a natural world and are surrounded by people and things that want us to take a detour.  Sometimes those detours are eternally fatal.

This morning when I left home, I drove the 4 blocks to the main artery that takes me seven miles to US Highway 77 to go to HOI in Charlotte.  When I got to the intersection to make the turn, the light was red.  I leaned forward to check on the cross traffic in order to make a “right on red” and saw a sports car speedily coming towards me.  I waited and then took that “right on red” and sped up to follow the navy blue convertible Mercedes Benz.  I smiled because it brought back memories of when my mother would drive at night from Indianapolis to Detroit and she would exclaim, “There’s my trailblazer!”  She meant there was someone directly ahead of her who was driving a bit over the speed limit and she could follow without worrying about getting stuck behind a slow-poke driver.

So I happily pressed down on the accelerator and followed the Benz.  After a mile or so, the Benz went through a yellow light that I could not make.  I lost my trailblazer!  After 3-4 miles I saw it again, but it was in a lane that wasn’t even going to the Highway.   

During this trailblazer process, I saw a life lesson.  We often follow trends, people, cultures, etc. with no understanding of where they are headed.  When our leader leaves us or disappoints us, we are left disillusioned, depressed and perhaps confused. 

Our best choice is to follow the trailblazer that will never leave us or forsake us.

Here is a Bible Search Tool:  Jewish New Testament Commentary (Book)

Buzz on the Teaching

We have been blessed to have many guests from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds come to visit us in our new facility.  It is always a delight when we see those same faces returning and becoming “regulars”.  This Sabbath we had three first time guests and four Saints returning for repeat visits.  I find it fascinating to listen to their testimonies of how YeHoVaH found a way to reach them in the midst of their individual circumstances.  I am also blessed when I hear that some guests are a part of worship groups that meet from house to house.  The Almighty truly has a remnant and it is beautiful when we have opportunities to meet and fellowship with one another.


Before service, I greeted a Sister Saint and I asked how she was doing, she replied that she was much better.  I asked her what she meant because I didn’t know that she had been challenged with any infirmities.  She explained and gave the Father praises for healing her.  

After service, we met again near the tables.  “Sharon, I really got a lot out of the teaching today.  And like last week, it was just what I needed.  I was going through so much and being persecuted on all sides.”  (Last week Arthur taught on the value of being persecuted for the sake of Messiah.)

She went on to say that when she cried out to the Father, He told her that she was no longer a child; she was mature!  At that moment, she said the understanding from the teaching on “Persecution” kicked in.  She looked at me with a huge smile and said she realized that she truly was a daughter of the Most High and was worthy to suffer for him.  We rejoiced as she repeated, “I am worthy!  I am worthy!


Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,


Last Updated on March 14, 2018 by

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