Shalom Saints,
Arthur’s unorthodox Teaching for the Day of Atonement was strictly Biblical! Arthur’s teaching was heretical according to the tradition of Judaism, but he had searched the Scriptures and gleaned from the Word that this was a Day to Rejoice and not be mournful. We were assembled according to Elohim’s Command and, as Arthur proclaimed, were celebrating because we have a Messiah who has atoned for us. We were afflicting our souls by fasting, and there was a gladness in our hearts because we are called the Sons and Daughters of the Almighty! As Arthur professed, “We can’t celebrate like Messiah has not come.”
Learn about how we can carry on Messiah’s Work because, It's Not Finished (Book)
As a part of differentiating this day from other Sabbaths, Arthur asked us all to recite the Lord’s Prayer. This was done at a point where we would usually recite the Vision of and House of Israel International then the Declaration for YeHoVaH’s Blessings. I believe that this was done to focus our attention on the Father and ask for forgiveness, but not for a year’s worth of sin like the religious traditions dictate. It is even recorded in the Bible that the people atoned for their sins throughout the year, even though atonement was made on behalf of the people by the High Priest on a yearly basis. Arthur said that we should be asking for forgiveness and repent whenever we do something wrong. Praises to the Almighty that Messiah was the propitiation for our sins and He only had to sacrifice once for us all.
1 John 4:10
Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
The Day of Atonement is all about sin and the Father providing a way for us to be forgiven. Arthur’s message about the Day of Atonement was centered on:
- YeHoVaH’s hatred of sin
- The wages of sin is death.
- If there are rules with no enforcement, lawlessness will ensue
Do you know about this Commanded Offering? Feast of Firstfruits (Book)
- The contagious nature of sin
- Sin left unchecked will spread.
- The Day of Atonement points forward to the death of “the Lamb of God”, Messiah Yeshua
- Its repetition year after year signified that “the way” into the very presence of YeHoVaH had not been made manifest as yet.
Arthur stressed that we remember that sin has always been the only thing that separates man from the Creator. Arthur went on to say that Father wants to be our covering. Father wants to cover us so He gave us commands to protect us, and a Messiah to redeem us.
Proverbs 28:13
He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.
Romans 4:7-8
Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. 8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.
“The world needs to know that their sins have been paid for; not so that they can continue in sin, but that they can be reconciled to Father.”
Father Wants to Be Our Covering!
Sharon’s Reflections on the Teaching
There is not a direct correlation between age and wisdom. One does not grow older and wiser at the same time unless that individual is seeking truth and searching the Father’s Word. I see this in my life. In my forties, I was teaching Sunday school. In my fifties, I believed I was a better and wiser teacher because I had “experience” teaching and preparing lessons. When I analyzed this scenario, I saw that I was reading and mimicking the denominational guidelines given each week for the lessons. When I did freestyle on a class to teach the Parables, I brought a book on the Parables from an author that paralleled the thinking of the denomination I was in at the time. The lessons all were well received and I thought they were sound doctrine.
As I reflect back on those times, I must be honest and admit that there were concepts that I didn’t understand, so I just left those out of the lesson. No one questioned my reasoning. They probably didn’t want to go in to those areas either. That is a real life example of what Arthur said about people pretty much following anything. I followed the denominational propaganda without question, and they followed me.
Matthew 15:13-14
But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. 14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
I did a series on David from child to King. I cringe to think that I could have done that without knowing about the Davidic Covenant, The Tabernacle of David, the Law of YeHoVaH, the eternal establishment of reaping and sowing as part of Elohim’s Kingdom. How could I have even read the Psalms without understanding the basics that one gets from reading, studying, and living a Torah life?
I was convicted when Arthur said, “If you believe it, you should be able to explain it!” That went right along with him saying that if we are going to be sharing information with others, at least it should line up with Scripture.
Buzz from the Fellowship
Even though there was no food served, we feasted on the Word! Two of the Sister Saints coordinated the placing of Scripture verses on the tables. They were printed on fall colored construction paper. They blended quite well with the bright gold table clothes and dark gold table runners. The joyousness of the occasion was enhanced by each table having two vases of fall colored flowers. It was a very welcoming setting for the Sons and Daughters of the Most High Elohim.
Arthur and a few of us Saints went outside to survey the area where the large Tent will be placed in the parking lot and to determine where the Baptism pool and the Bouncy House will be placed. The logistics had to be determined for running electricity to the Tent for a large fan and to the Baptism area for the cameras. There is a lot of background work being done so that we can maximize the enjoyment and fellowship amongst the Saints.
I hope to meet YOU at one of the Feasts.
Until next time… Blessings to You and Yours,
Last Updated on September 27, 2018 by