SINTS Ebook English ()
SINTS Ebook English ()


An Ebook by Arthur Bailey

The Sabbath is one of the most important subjects in scripture. The Fourth Commandment calls for a Sabbath on the seventh day of the week. Unfortunately the Sabbath is the commandment most ignored by the majority of those who confess faith in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus). Theologians, preachers and teachers have been teaching that God, the apostles, or the early church Fathers changed the seventh-day Sabbath to be on Sunday in honor of the resurrection of the Messiah.


The Sabbath is one of the most important subjects in scripture. The Fourth Commandment calls for a Sabbath on the seventh day of the week. Unfortunately the Sabbath is the commandment most ignored by the majority of those who confess faith in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus). Theologians, preachers and teachers have been teaching that God, the apostles, or the early church Fathers changed the seventh-day Sabbath to be on Sunday in honor of the resurrection of the Messiah.

There is no biblical evidence to support such teaching. Many scriptures that are used to support this argument have no reference supporting a change of Sabbath. The Roman Catholic Church implemented this change and still takes credit for it, and I shall explain this change a bit later.

As a product of a Sunday service denominational church; for most of my life I have taught, defended, and justified the Sunday Sabbath doctrine. However, through diligent study of His Word, YeHoVaH (God’s Hebrew name) has shown me that this teaching was in error. Neither He nor the apostles ever changed the seventh-day Sabbath to be held as Sunday worship.

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Last Updated on January 20, 2025 by Arthur Bailey Ministries

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